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In a moment of hesitation, he passed his hand across his forehead, as if in despair. But soon recovering his self-possession, he shouted, "Up we go! Up! All of us!" And he pointed to the narrow passage which led up to the fork inside Will Tree. Carefinotu and he, taking their muskets and revolvers, supplied themselves with cartridges.

And pointing to the north-east angle of the island, and then to the foot of the tree, he gesticulated to Carefinotu that he wished to reach the place without losing an instant. Carefinotu understood him. He even gave him to understand that he approved of the idea. "Yes," said Godfrey to himself, "if there is a human being there, we must know who he is and whence he comes!

"Nineteenth of January!" exclaimed a voice, which Godfrey, in spite of his astonishment, immediately recognized. It was Carefinotu! Yes, Carefinotu had just pronounced these words, and in that English language which up to then he had seemed unable to speak or to understand! "What did you say?" asked Godfrey, as he followed him along the branches. "I said, Mr.

Then he turned towards the professor, as if to know his name. "Tartlet," was the reply of that individual in a most amiable tone. "Tartlet!" repeated Carefinotu. And it seemed as though this assemblage of syllables was more agreeable to his vocal chords, for he pronounced it distinctly. The professor appeared to be extremely flattered. In truth he had reason to be.

It was the reserve of gunpowder which had exploded inside Will Tree, and the air, violently expelled from the opening, rushed forth like the gas from a discharging cannon. Godfrey and Carefinotu were almost torn from their resting-places. Had Tartlet not been lashed to the branch, he would assuredly have been hurled to the ground.

He imparted his projects to Tartlet, who approved them, and promised his active co-operation; but what was more important, he made his plans understood to Carefinotu, who was always ready to come to his assistance. They set to work without delay.

Sometimes Godfrey would go alone, and then the professor had a companion to whose instruction he obstinately devoted himself. Yes! Tartlet had at first thought of teaching Carefinotu the most ordinary words in the English language, but he had to give this up, as the negro seemed to lack the necessary phonetic apparatus for that kind of pronunciation.

If at this unaccountable invasion of ferocious animals Carefinotu shared the alarm of his companions, his astonishment was quite equal to his fright. During two mortal hours all three kept on the alert. The howlings sounded at times close by; then they suddenly ceased, as if the beasts, not knowing the country, were roaming about all over it. Perhaps then Will Tree would escape an attack!

Godfrey and Carefinotu were busied in collecting the mollusks, at the extreme end of Dream Bay, when they perceived out at sea an innumerable quantity of small moving islets which the rising tide was bringing gently to shore. It was a sort of floating archipelago, on the surface of which there walked, or flew, a few of those sea-birds, with great expanse of wing, known as sea-hawks.

In the presence of this imminent danger his coolness never forsook him for an instant. He brought his gun to his shoulder, and aimed at the crocodile. The well-aimed bullet struck the monster, and it made a bound to one side and fell motionless on the ground. Carefinotu rushed towards Tartlet and lifted him up. Tartlet had escaped with a fright! But what a fright!