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The car-lines and boat-lines are public, and they are free, for the Altrurians think that the community owes transportation to every one who lives beyond easy reach of the points which their work calls them to. Of course the great government stores are in the capitals, and practically there are no stores in the villages, except for what you might call emergency supplies.

The same glance which showed him the gray automobile stealing softly across the network of car-lines of one of the city's main thoroughfares revealed a roundsman crossing the square. "Friend Anatole may be heeled," he said. "Let's get help." Leaning out, he shouted to Arthur, whose other name was Brodie: "Pull in alongside the cop. I want to speak to him."

He looked at "Doc" Fussel, who shrivelled with the chagrin that filled him, when Toomey added, "That settles the peppermint bog, doesn't it? "Take the next proposition: What's the use of car-lines that begin nowhere and end nowhere? A cripple could walk from one end of the town to the other in seven minutes. You couldn't raise enough outside capital to buy the spikes for it.

Then they dipped into the black country, where tall chimneys belched out smoke, and car-lines ran along the streets, and pale-faced, hurrying people looked enviously at the big car with its load of youth and good looks. Everything was grim and dirty and spoiled. Mhor looked at the grimy place and said solemnly: "It reminds me of hell." "Haw, haw!" laughed Jock. "When did you see hell last?"

And after we pass the elevated there's other car-lines they're more likely to take, where the cars run frequenter." "Do you go to the heart of the city?" "No, we stop at the barns. Say, have you noticed that Jap in there?" The conductor nodded toward Maku. "What about him?" "He was put aboard by a cop. Looks as though somebody had slugged him." "That's so," commented Orme. "His head is bandaged."

Her cousin Sharlee, who had loved her well, disposed her flowers tenderly, and stood awhile in reverie of the sort which the surroundings so irresistibly invited. But the schedules of even electric car-lines are inexorable; and presently she saw from a glance at her watch that she must turn her face back to the city of the living.

Fact, I always feel I was saying to my son just the other night it's a fellow's duty to share the good things of this world with his neighbors, and it gets my goat when a fellow gets stuck on himself and goes around tooting his horn merely because he's charitable." The victim seemed unable to find the right answer. Babbitt boomed on: "Pretty punk service the Company giving us on these car-lines.