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"I feel peaceful as old age," he quoted. But his eye falling on the white carnation which Giovanna, knowing her signorino was going in serata, had provided for his buttonhole, lines less grey came to his lips: "Neque tu choreas...." He fished for the half-forgotten words. "Donec virenti canities abest...."

The members of the ancient house of Rohan were said to possess a tuft of white hair on the front of their heads. Michelson of Konigsberg describes a curious case in a barrister of twenty-three affected with partial canities. In the family of both parents there was stated to be congenital premature canities, and some white hairs had been observed even in childhood.

Dewees reports a case of puerperal convulsions in a patient under his care which was attended with sudden canities. From 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. 50 ounces of blood were taken. Between the time of Dr. Dewees' visits, not more than an hour, the hair anterior to the coronal suture turned white. The next day it was less light, and in four or five days was nearly its natural color.

Giovannini describes a case of canities unguium in a patient of twenty-nine, following an attack of typhoid fever. On examining the hands of this patient the nails showed in their entire extent a white, opaque, almost ivory color. An abnormal quantity of air found in the interior of the nails explains in this particular case their impaired appearance.

Donec virenti canities abest! Marius could hardly doubt how Cornelius would have taken the call. And as for himself, slight as was the burden of positive moral obligation with which he had entered Rome, it was to no wasteful and vagrant affections, such as these, that his Epicureanism had committed him." But what could have happened to Ned?

Communications are also on record of local decolorization of the eyebrows and lashes in neuralgias of isolated branches of the trigeminus, especially of the supraorbital nerve. Temporary and Partial Canities. Of special interest are those cases in which whiteness of the hair is only temporary.

Carlyle's note with less attention than usual; for a quotation contained in it from the "De Monarchia" would have set him right. The quotation is, however, in Latin, and though Mr. We give one instance for the sake of illustration. On page 40 appear the following lines: Terribili squarlore Charon eni plurina mento Canities inculta jucet; staut lumina flaurina

Brandis mentions the hair becoming white on one side of the face while it continued of its former color on the other. Rayer quotes cases of canities of the whole of one side of the body. Richelot observed white mottling of hair in a girl sick with chlorosis. The whitening extended from the roots to a distance of two inches.

Prentiss, in Science, October 3, 1890, has collected numerous instances of sudden canities, several of which will be given: "In the Canada Journal of Medical Science, 1882, p. 113, is reported a case of sudden canities due to business-worry. The microscope showed a great many air-vesicles both in the medullary substance and between the medullary and cortical substance.

The same article speaks of a girl in Bedfordshire, Maria Seeley, aged eight, whose face was swarthy, and whose hair was long and dark on one side and light and short on the other. One side of her body was also brown, while the other side was light and fair. She was seen by the faculty in London, but no cause could be established. Voigtel mentions the occurrence of canities almost suddenly.