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And wouldn't myself have been the one to be helping you in the farm rearing the powlts, milkin' the cow, makin' the iligant butther, with lavings of butthermilk for the pigs the sow thriving, and the cocks and hens cheering your heart with their cacklin' the hank o' yarn on the wheel, and a hank of ingins up the chimbley oh! there's where the Providence would have been that would have been Providence indeed! but never tell me that Providence turned you out of the house; that was your own goostherumfoodle."

"'I dunno, says I. "'I don't want to argufy or palaver wi' a dacent maan, says she, 'but I'm terrible hungry. "'Luk here, says I, 'I've got a dozen pirtas I'm goin' t' roast fur m' dinner. I'll roast thim down there be that gate, an' I'll lave ye six an' a dhrink ov butthermilk. Whin ye see m' lave th' gate ye'll know yer dinner's ready.

"It would make a dinner, yer honour, for every mother's son of 'em, counting the gur-r-rls, in the bargain! Such a power of bir-r-ds, would knock down 'praties, in a wonderful degree, and make even butthermilk chape and plenthiful. Will it be always such abundance with us, down at the Huts, yer honour? or is this sight only a delusion to fill us with hopes that's never to be satisfied?"

On the contrary, bedad, from the day this happened till yestherday, whin she wor set ashore at the landing-stage yonder, she'd look moighty saur at me if we chanced to mate on deck aye, faith, as saur as a babby that's been weaned on butthermilk." "Why," inquired the skipper, when we had both a good laugh at Garry and his account of the Boisson episode, "have they left, then, the ship for good?"

Wan stone hit a Limerick man, an' th' cry 'butthermilk' wint around; an' be hivins, if it hadn't been that th' chief iv polis, th' wise la-ad, sint none but German polismen to th' picnic, there 'd not been a man left to tell th' tale." "What's that all got to do with freeing Ireland?" asked Mr. McKenna. "Well, 'tis no worse off thin it was befure, annyhow," said Mr. Dooley.

He was raised on butthermilk an' haggis, an' he dhrank his Irish nate with a dash iv orange bitthers in it. He's been movin' steadily north since; an', if he keeps on movin', he'll go r-round th' globe, an' bring up somewhere in th' south iv England. "An' Hinnery Cabin Lodge!