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But in making that admission we are also making short work of the virtuous airs with which we are sometimes referred to the humanity of the medical profession as a guarantee that vivisection is not abused much as if our burglars should assure us that they arc too honest to abuse the practice of burgling.

Isn't even a hair-brush there generally. Robinson's eyes dilated with honest pride. This was good. This was better than he had looked for. Not only were they unaware of the burglary, but they had not even an idea as to the recent event which had made the First room so fit a hunting-ground for the burgling industry.

Travers that they were approaching their destination, and a minute or two later they came to a small inn standing just off the road. "All shut up and Mrs. Waters abed, bless her," whispered the boatswain, after walking care-fully round the house. "How do you feel?" "I'm all right," said Mr. Travers. "I feel as if I'd been burgling all my life. How do you feel?" "Narvous," said Mr.

"You'll not be thinking of heeding that ragamuffin boy," he ventured. "I'm certainly going to get into the House tomorrow," Heritage answered, "and if he can show me a way so much the better. He's a spirited youth. Do you breed many like him in Glasgow?" "Plenty," said Dickson sourly. "See here, Mr. Heritage. You can't expect me to be going about burgling houses on the word of a blagyird laddie.

His first impulse was to give chase, but prudence restrained him. Catching burglars is an exhilarating sport, but it is best to indulge in it when one is not on a burgling expedition oneself. Besides he had come out to get his book, and business is business. There was no time to be lost now, for someone might have heard one or both of the noises and given the alarm.

As Dick unfastened the coat there was a faint, gleam of light from the constable's belt, which shone on Dick's chest. "From the barracks, eh?" said the constable, surlily. "Humph! Well, I'm sure I don't know what to say. You may be London burglars, and putting a clever flam on me." "Do people go burgling with flutes?" said Dick, angrily.

"I'd be a burglar," said Jimmy. Cathy and Mabel in one breath reminded him how wrong burgling was, and Jimmy replied: "Well, then a detective." "There's got to be something to detect before you can begin detectiving," said Mabel. "Detectives don't always detect things," said Jimmy, very truly. "If I couldn't be any other kind I'd be a baffled detective.

Don't you think the dash through the town was a trick to draw everyone away so as to leave the way clear for a second man to do the burgling?" "I don't see who the second man could be. The handkerchief shows Eustace was the man who was with him at Taloona. I don't think he has another man with him now. He is doing it single-handed and seems to be enjoying it, too."

"Head it, suspicious information: first prisoner, probably dangerous burglar burgling on Christmas eve; second prisoner, cattle thief; third prisoner " "But we aren't anything like that," broke in Rudolf hastily. "You're entirely mistaken, we "

Beale all his earthly adventures from the moment the redheaded man had lifted him up to the window of Talbot Court to the time when he had come in by the open door of the common lodging-house. "What a nipper it is, though!" said Mr. Beale regretfully. "For the burgling, I mean sharp clever no one to touch him. But I don't cotton to it myself," he added quickly, "not the burgling, I don't.