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"I call the attention of the citizens of Los Angeles to the fact that within the past ten days there has been less crime in the city than in years," Gibson's statement read. "There has been but one holdup, no burglaries, no violence, no banditry and no open gambling, bootlegging, thievery or trafficking in narcotics.

I have been unable to get the data from the State Courts; but the growth of crimes can be measured by a few illustrative statistics. Thus, the losses from burglaries which have been repaid by casualty companies have grown in amount from $886,000 in 1914 to over $10,000,000 in 1920; and, in a like period, embezzlements have increased five-fold.

The crimes committed in that unfortunate country called loudly for coercive measures on the part of the government. The murders, the incendiary fires, the burglaries and felonious assaults, were unprecedented in number and atrocity. The laws which had been passed for the protection of life and property had become a dead letter in some of the most populous districts.

Really, she thought, she had a right to be proud of herself, for had she not shown more intelligence and acumen in the detection of the Seabourne burglaries than every police official in the town. How every one would admire her skill!

"There's been a lot of burglaries in this neighborhood of late. I daresay these gypsies are mixed up in them." "Burglaries!" cried Mrs. Belgrove, and turned pale under her rouge, as she remembered that she had her diamonds with her. "Oh, it's all right! Don't worry," said Garvington, pushing back his chair. "They won't try on any games in this house while I'm here.

'When will the fraud be discovered? asked Jane. 'Gilbert Carstairs is quite a good sort, but his wife has very little sense of humour. 'Oh, I left a note all right in the coach-house, answered Toffy, 'and I pointed out to Gilbert that he had no right to encourage burglaries by having inefficient locks on his coach-house doors.

"It won't do to let it be known that three burglaries were committed in one night, and that simultaneously Daisy's Guru was called away " "My Guru, indeed!" said Mrs Quantock, fizzing with indignation at the repetition of this insult. "That might give rise to suspicion," continued Lucia calmly, disregarding the interruption, "and we must stop the news from spreading.

Burglaries are frequently committed by the Kroomen in Sierra Leone, under cover of the storm, it being a favourable time, from the difficulty of hearing their operations, as well as from the disinclination the inhabitants feel to go out in such heavy rain and wind, to examine their stores and out-houses. Wednesday, 19th. Heavy rain from last evening till nine this morning.

"So I went to the commercial agencies to-day and looked up Branford. I can't say he has been prosperous; nobody has been in Wall Street these days, and that's just the thing that causes an increase in fake burglaries. Then there is another possibility," he continued triumphantly. "I had a man up at the Grattan Inn, and he reports to me that Mrs.

And so ended the story of the mysterious burglaries. Conclusion One evening about a week after these events Dick and Dave were sitting in the former's room chatting, when Greg Holmes and Dan Dalzell, apparently in great good humor, broke in upon them. "When do you go to West Point, Dick?" queried Greg. "I'm ordered to report to the adjutant there on the first of March," Prescott replied.