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I say they are bunglers. They never mean the thing. Fifteen!

"You mean, then, that my life is in danger?" "We fear," said the physician, "that the amputation proposed is the only thing that can save it." "What a brace of blasted bunglers you are!" cried the marquis, and, turning away his face, lay silent. The two men looked at each other and said nothing. Malcolm was by, and a pang shot to his heart at the verdict. The men retired to consult.

"The work must have been done, then, by a very skillful man," said Mr. Balfour. The professor shook his head pityingly. "Oh, no, sir," he said. "None but bunglers ever undertake a job like this. Here, sir, are two forged signatures.

Why, in the way we've left the matter, it's very odd if the heads of colleges don't have their own way quite as fully as when the hebdomadal board was in all its glory; what do you say, Mr. Dean?" "An old man, my lord, never likes changes," said the dean. "You must have been sad bunglers if it is so," said the archdeacon; "and indeed, to tell the truth, I think you have bungled it.

"It is Tormantic gravity," muttered Nightspore. "I understand you or, rather, I don't but it doesn't matter." He went on smoking in silence, occasionally taking a mouthful of the neat liquor. "Who is Surtur?" he demanded abruptly. "We others are gropers and bunglers, but he is a master." Maskull digested this.

"That fellow has always kept his word always, in spite of your precious band of muffs and if you let him keep it this time, when there's upwards of £40,000 worth of jewels in the house, it will be nothing less than a national disgrace, and you and your wretched collection of bunglers will be covered with deserved ridicule."

Smoothing his vest with his fingers that were flattened from so much sword-work, Lapo said: "I feel now that I may have been wrong to put such shame upon him. On account of it, no doubt, he has sought retirement. Or maybe he has journeyed abroad, say to Provence, a land free from such out-of-date bunglers as I."

Rich, lonely, and vain, he must have been fair game for the race of social sycophants and cormorants; and it's much to the credit of his sharpness and that instinct of self-defence which nature bestows even on the weak, that he has not been despoiled and exploité. Apparently they have all been bunglers. I maintain that something is to be done with him still.

"Hearing things?" "Yes," he exclaimed. "I may be busy, I may be harassed by tricksters and bunglers, but I am not too busy not to care something about my daughter's doings. I expect them to deceive me, Victoria, but I pinned my faith somewhere. I pinned it on you. On you, do you understand?" She raised her head for the first time and looked at him, with her lips quivering. But she did not speak.

And it is only right that this should happen to those who desert good and eminent masters, and mix themselves up with bunglers. The above-named Monsignor Luigi having afterwards been chosen Bishop of Bergamo, Monsignor Agostino Lippomani was made Bishop of Verona in his place, and he commissioned Michele to reconstruct almost anew the model of that campanile, and to set to work.