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The breeze still continued to freshen upon us, to such an extent that when my watch told me it was time to re-measure my angle, we were bowling along at the rate of nearly twelve knots, and the sea was beginning to rise, while our lighter studding-sail booms were buckling rather ominously.

Buckling this so tight he could hardly breathe, and fastening the coat over all, he slapped his chest admiringly, and valiantly declared: "A-a-anybody get that a-a-away from me'll have to k-k-kill me f-f-first!" Katy jumped up. "Let's go ask Aunt Eunice about the pumpkins!"

The boats even were sent away half-loaded, although the fear of their buckling in the middle was responsible as well for this, but the captain with the few boats at his disposal could hardly do more than persuade and advise in the terrible circumstances in which he was placed.

"He's a very clever young man and learning fast now. He's buckling to and getting on with it. But Sabina Dinnett, our first spinner, gave notice on Saturday. She's not here to-day." "What does that mean?" "You'd better ask them that know. I've heard a lot of rumours, and they may be true or not, and I hope they're not.

"No, Reuben, I'll bring disgrace hame to nae man's hearth; my ain distresses I can bear, and I maun bear, but there is nae occasion for buckling them on other folk's shouthers. I will bear my load alone the back is made for the burden."

This platform of principles seemed to me so satisfactory that I stretched my feet to the fire and went to sleep. I was awakened by the most delicious odor of coffee, and when I rolled out of my blanket I found Jose standing over me with a cup of it in his hand, and Aiken buckling the straps of my saddle-girth.

"They've sold dirtier things," said Wayne, calmly: "they have sold themselves." "It's no good, my Buckling," said the King, rolling about on his chair. "You can't cope with this chivalrous eloquence. You can't cope with an artist. You can't cope with the humorist of Notting Hill. Oh, Nunc dimittis that I have lived to see this day! Provost Wayne, you stand firm?"

And so she passed close by me in going there, and I must not speak or move for fear of terrifying her. But when she had gone up the path, I looked round carefully once or twice, and came down, and then, buckling on my sword again, looked warily out of the thicket, and seeing that none was near, crossed the open and followed her.

It's going to be a tough proposition, but I'll get about it very soon." "You know that I wish you all success," she told him softly. Then she held out her hand and turned away. When she had gone Prescott went on with his work and after buckling the last strap he found that he had forgotten a parcel Mrs. Leslie had asked him to deliver.

She moved on with the men, dust-grimed, her rags held together with pins and lacings of deer hide. She performed her share of the work with automatic thoroughness, eating when the hour came, sleeping on the ground under the stars, staggering up in the deep-blue dawn and buckling her horse's harness with fingers that fatigue made clumsy.