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Henry made his way to his father's side; they withdrew to a corner and bent their heads together, murmuring inaudibly. Gray watched them with unblinking intensity; he nodded to Buddy Briskow, and the latter, as if heeding some prearranged signal, removed his hands from his pockets and stepped farther into the room. He, too, watched the agitated pair.

"I You got to hold me," she said, huskily, and he felt her body shrink close to his. She clung tightly to him, trembling at first, then shaking in every limb. Fright, it seemed, had suddenly mastered Allie Briskow.

But the latter, seeing a threat to his carefully matured plans, refused to listen. "There's one thing you can do for me," he told them. "You can give me a pint of cream." "Cream? What for?" The family regarded him with amazement. "I'm fond of it. If you have no cream, milk will do." "Pshaw! I'll put up a hull basket of lunch for you," Mrs. Briskow declared.

Briskow, junior, grinned at his sister, exposing a mouth full of teeth as white and as sound as railroad crockery, but his next words were directed at Gray: "We got four wells and the p'orest one is makin' twelve hundred bar'l."

An idea came to him, finally, which seemed sound, the more he thought about it. Indeed, its possibilities galvanized him, and he wondered why he had been so long in arriving at it. It was spectacular, daring, it might prove to be impossible of accomplishment; nevertheless, it was worth trying, and he could scarcely wait for Buddy Briskow to wake up so that he could put it to him.

The latter cleared his throat several times before he managed to say, "You don't want me to marry Arline, do you, Mr. Gray?" "Frankly, my boy, I do not." "Why?" "There are many reasons." "What's one?" "I don't think you love her." Briskow stirred. "Is that why you went an' got that di'mon' ring I had made?" When this query met with a nod the young Texan's face flamed and his eyes glowed.

Ozark Briskow, like his sister Allegheny, was studying hard and learning rapidly, but he had adopted an educational plan, a curriculum, so to speak, far different from hers.

If, after you are thoroughly acquainted with each other, you still maintain a mutual regard I shall have nothing further to say except to beg that I be allowed to show my true friendship for both of you." "Well, spring the bad news," said Miss Montague. Briskow now displayed the first open resentment he had shown since his defeat of the day before. "You licked me, Mr.

Briskow allowed his eyes to rove about the spacious Governor's suite. "'Specially with only eighty-seven forty " "That is nearly eighty-seven dollars more than I had when I arrived. Three weeks ago I was an utter stranger here; to-day I know everybody worth knowing in a business way, and some of them are my friends." "If you could learn Buddy to make friends like that " But Gray raised his hand.

"When he got home his castle had collapsed. There wasn't a stone standing, so he ran away ran to his mother." "Oh, Mr. Gray!" Ma Briskow quavered. "I could cry. An' after all you done for Buddy!" The man shook his head vigorously, still with his face hidden. "It isn't Buddy. It's youth. Youth needs no fine adornment, no crown, no victory." "What you goin' to do?" she asked him.