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These were in their days true bridesmen and friends of the bridegroom, who hear and rejoice because of the bridegroom's voice: who strove with emulation in God's behalf to present the whole body of plighted virgins whom they had gathered together as one chaste virgin to one husband, even to Christ. Thou dost ask, perhaps, "Who are they whom thou dost so commend, and what are their names?"

The bridegroom fetched the bride out of the house of Brazovics, which was now her own, and took her to the church, but the wedding banquet was in the bridegroom's house. Frau Sophie would not be denied the task of arranging everything.

I involuntarily looked my desire of explanation. "Well, you see," she said, "he had been married before. His first wife died four years ago, and he loved her beyond all heaven and earth." That evening, I afterwards heard, the young bridegroom's body was found by some boys as they went to bathe in the river. As I recalled once more that sad yearning face, and heard again that terrible "I cannot!

If you really cannot see that the bridegroom's mother and the bride have any reason for constraint or diffidence, then you are neither polite nor humane: you have no sympathy in you for the deep and doubtful hearts of human folk." It is better even to put the difficulty as the vulgar put it than to be pertly unconscious of the difficulty altogether.

The following day the bride is married from the house of her parents-in-law, and as it often happens that the young couple live with the bridegroom's people, it is only natural that they like to have the house in proper order before the arrival of the wedding-guests, who begin to appear as soon as eight o'clock in the morning.

"'To love and to cherish." The younger voice carried infinite tenderness now. "Till death us do part." "'Till death us do part," repeated the bridegroom's lips; but everybody knew that what his heart said was: "Now, and through all eternity." "According to God's holy ordinance." "'According to God's holy ordinance." "And thereto I plight thee my troth." "'And thereto I plight thee my troth."

The bridegroom's letters stand in row above, Tapering, yet straight, like pine-trees in his grove; While free and fine the bride's appear below, As light and slender as her jessamines grow. ST. JUDE's day came, the term assigned by Lucy herself as the furthest date of expectation, and, as we have already said, there were neither letters from nor news of Ravenswood.

The party hurrahed; enthusiastic youths gathered fallen shoes, and ran and hurled them again with cheerful yells, and away went the happy pair, the bride leaning sweetly and confidingly with both her white hands on the bridegroom's shoulder, while he dried the tears that would run now at leaving home and parent forever, and kissed her often, and encircled her with his strong arm, and murmured comfort, and love, and pride, and joy, and sweet vows of lifelong tenderness into her ears, that soon stole nearer his lips to hear, and the fair cheek grew softly to his shoulder.

One could see the bride's litter, a blur of red and tinsel, staggering through the haze, while the bridegroom's bewreathed pony turned aside to snatch a mouthful from a passing fodder-cart. Then Kim would join the Kentish-fire of good wishes and bad jokes, wishing the couple a hundred sons and no daughters, as the saying is.

The day wore away not unpleasantly, but when the gas was lighted and the bride frankly rested her head upon the bridegroom's shoulder, a mighty homesickness swept over Frieda. She could barely choke down her food in the dining-car, and hated a waiter for watching her with a white-toothed smile.