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Cloten, the father of the invalid, had learned some of the particulars of Iola's Northern experience as a bread-winner, and he resolved to give her employment in his store when her services were no longer needed in the house. As soon as a vacancy occurred he gave Iola a place in his store.

It postponed the wedding: it stirred me to a very crescendo of patronage, for with the removal of the bread-winner the only flaw in my Cophetua pose had vanished: and it gave Audrey a great deal more scope than she had hitherto been granted for the exercise of free will in the choice of a husband.

"Why, no," answered Thorwald; "we never think of such a thing, and yet you must admit that things run smoothly without it." "I will then try again, if you please," I said. "Which of you is the bread-winner?" To which Zenith replied: "That question is hardly appropriate, for you know we do not work for our daily bread.

To Austin, whose manly feelings were early awakening, there was an untold sweetness in handling his own money. He found a keen pleasure in this that gave him a thirst for money-making, which was certain to assert itself at the first opportunity. No longer could he be satisfied in the house doing merely woman's work. He wanted to be a bread-winner also.

He employed his skill and knowledge merely as a bread-winner, and made so little provision for the future that when Mr. Van Bergen, who had purchased the Radford note, sued and got judgment on it, his horse and his surveying instruments were taken to pay the debt, and only by the generous intervention of a friend was he able to redeem these invaluable means of living.

Thirdly, there are the hardships that the wife and family are called upon to endure while the bread-winner is in gaol and not earning wages. The Probation System seeks to overcome all these difficulties.

That the death of his father, and the "hard times" that came upon the Bonapartes through the loss of their chief bread-winner, did sober the boy Napoleon, and made him even more retiring and reserved, there is no doubt.

"But you are her bread-winner, as I have heard her say. How can she spare you?" "And I shall always be so while she needs me. I can wait a long time patiently, I think. But I cannot give it up now. It would be `looking back, after putting my hand to the plough." They were silent for a good while, and then Philip said: "Tell me about your father."

But this becomes enormously aggravated, of course, where the bread-winner must do his work within the walls of the cramped home.

I think it is our duty to use the strength and the resources of the State to arrest the ghastly waste not merely of human happiness but of national health and strength which follows when a working man's home which has taken him years to get together is broken up and scattered through a long spell of unemployment, or when, through the death, the sickness, or the invalidity of the bread-winner, the frail boat in which the fortunes of the family are embarked founders, and the women and children are left to struggle helplessly on the dark waters of a friendless world.