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She had once fled through a brush patch in Griffith Park with her hair flowing loose, and she had not liked the experience, though it had looked very nice on the screen. Before she had finished the braiding, Al came over to the saddle and untied his slicker roll and the grouse. "Come on over to the fire," he said. "I'll learn yuh a trick or two about camp cooking.

I rather like your idea;" whereupon Maria drew from her side-pocket a couple of cigars wrapped up in part of an odd number of the Leutschau county newspaper, and gave the sheet to her valiant comrade, who glanced over it with the air of a connoisseur, and, after declaring aloud that he quite grasped its meaning, folded it neatly up, and stuck it in the braiding of his cap.

The boat cut through braiding and twisting water, and shot into the college. Part of the building's upper floor remained; everything else was gone. The walls threw a shadow upon them, and the green flicker, dancing up and down as they disturbed the inclosure, played curiously on their faces. The stones suddenly echoed a slap.

Near the mouth of the Yukon grows a tall, slender kind of grass which the women gather and dry in the fall and use for braiding mats and baskets and for pads in the soles of skin boots. One of these grass stalks that had been almost pulled out by the roots when the women were gathering others, did not like the fate in store for it.

And when his turn came and they asked him his age, he said 'thirty-six, and the person was very angry and said he hadn't any time to waste, and Braiding had better go outside again and consider whether he hadn't made a mistake about his age.

"Then I'll help you braid straw," said Robert, laughing. "Don't you think I might learn after a while?" "I don't know but you might," said Mrs. Rushton, dubiously; "but the pay is very poor." "That's so, mother. I shan't, take to braiding straw except as a last resort." "Wouldn't Mr. Davis take you back into the factory if I went to him and told him how much we needed the money?"

On the 22nd of March, 1819, about nine o'clock in the morning, a young man, some twenty-three or twenty-four years old, wearing the dress of a German student, which consists of a short frock-coat with silk braiding, tight trousers, and high boots, paused upon a little eminence that stands upon the road between Kaiserthal and Mannheim, at about three-quarters of the distance from the former town, and commands a view of the latter.

However, I thought of a plan, which I flattered myself might prove successful; I got Sol to plant two stakes in the shallow water, near the rice beds, and to these I attached a slender rope made by braiding long strips of the inner bark of the basswood together; to these again I fastened, at regular intervals, about a quarter of a yard of whipcord, headed by a strong perch-hook.

Then she lay down in bed again and waited for broad daylight. When Maria dressed herself the next morning, she had an odd, shamed expression as she looked at herself in her glass while braiding her hair. It actually seemed to her as if she herself, and not Lily Merrill, had so betrayed herself and given way to an unsought love.

And then she recalled Katy's voice saying: "Braids round your head." "Of course," said Linda, "that would be the thing to do. I certainly don't need anything to add to my height; I am far too tall now." So she parted her hair in the middle, brushed it back, divided it in even halves, and instead of braiding it, she coiled it around her head, first one side and then the other.