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She was in her own boudoir, luxuriously ensconced in a big arm-chair, and she smiled brightly at him such a smile as he had not seen since before the murder. He obeyed her invitation to sit down. "You wanted to see me alone," he said. She nodded. "Yes, I want to know if we are allies or enemies. I know I have treated you abominably, but I was driven half mad by the thought that Bob was dead.

Their light fell on luxurious furniture, fit for the boudoir of a lovely and noble lady.

Virginia was just writing the order on the Safe Deposit Company when there came a knock on the boudoir door. The maid went to answer. "Shall I open, Madame?" "Yes." The girl opened the door and Fanny entered, fresh and buoyant after a good night's sleep. "Good morning!" exclaimed the newcomer cheerfully.

As they, however, all separated for the night, the Candidate besought and was permitted, in mercy, a little kiss, as a token of reconciliation and forgiveness of his offence regarding the great one. "My dear girl," said the mother to Louise as the two met, impelled by a mutual desire to converse together that same night in her boudoir, "how came Jacobi's wooing about so suddenly?

She was just rising to ring the bell, when the maid appeared with a message from the boudoir. The woman's tones and looks showed plainly that she had been made the object of Grace's insolent self-assertion as well as her mistress. "If you please, my lady, the person downstairs wishes " Lady Janet, frowning contemptuously, interrupted the message at the outset.

The boudoir was a small room opening from the suite which had been given to the Princess and her niece a quaint, almost circular apartment, hung with faded blue Chinese silk and furnished with fragments of the Louis Seize period, a rosewood cabinet, in particular, which had come from Versailles, and which was always associated in Julian's mind with the faint fragrance of two Sevres jars of dried rose leaves.

De Peyster's fire would no more have forgotten itself and shown a boisterous enthusiasm than would one of her admirably trained servants. Beside a small steel safe, whose outer shell of exquisite cabinet-work transformed that fortress against burglarious desire into an article of furniture that harmonized with the comfortable elegance of a lady's boudoir, sat Mrs.

Altogether, curiosity, if no deeper sentiment, was highly piqued; and I was glad I happened to drop in at the moment of action, and wished to see the play out. At the door of her boudoir, Rachel Lake met Dorcas. 'I am so glad, Radie, dear, you are come. You must take off your things, and stay. You must not leave me to-night.

Upstarts, experiencing such a reception from Princes, are convinced that they are dreaded, because they know that they have not merit to be esteemed. He pretends to be equally conspicuous in the Cabinet as in the field, in the boudoir as in the study. A demi-philosopher, a demi-savant, a demi-gallant and a demi-politician, constitute, all taken together, nothing except an insignificant courtier.

During this interval she sat in a remarkably pretty boudoir, where there were flowers and faiences and little French pictures, and watched her hostess revolve round the subject in circles the vagueness of which she tried to dissimulate. Olive believed she was a person who never could enjoy asking a favour, especially of a votary of the new ideas; and that was evidently what was coming.