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Quelles délices, quel délire, Dans sa bouche et son sourire! Et sa voix qui ne dirait Que le rossignol chantait? Qu'elle est belle la marquise! La marquise! ma marquise! Bel amour est sa devise, Et sa profession de foi Est: je vous aime aimez moi! Qu'elle est belle la marquise! "Oh, how interesting!" cried Lilly. "I shall die if I don't find out something more about him."

As a little chick will sometimes seize a large crumb and scurry off, followed by the flock, so a fish would sometimes snatch a morsel and fly, followed by the school. If he dropped it or stopped to enjoy his bonne bouche, his mates would be upon him. Sometimes two would get the same morsel, and there would be a trial of strength, accompanied with much flash and glitter of shining scales.

He went to the strangers' gallery when there was any debate of importance, and tried to give his mind to politics, with a faint idea of putting himself up for Holborough at the next election. But, as Phedre says, "Quand ma bouche implorait le nom de la deesse, j'adorais Hippolyte;" so Mr.

As I have told you, I can easily let you have a hundred pounds; and as for paying off the debts of the convent that I look upon as an obligation, as a bonne bouche, I might say. My heart is set on it." "We can never thank you enough." "I don't want to be thanked; it is all pleasure to me to do this for you. Now goodbye; I'll write to you about the success of the concerts.

You know if you are not there the men will let the gleaners of the other villages get into the field before the sheaves are carried away." "I am going to take a first lesson in agriculture, madame," I said to her. "You have a very good master," she replied, motioning towards the count, whose mouth screwed itself into that smile of satisfaction which is vulgarly termed a "bouche en coeur."

On the death of each parent, I had received a cordial invitation to come and soothe my sorrows in his society. My father enjoined me that one of my first visits after his death, should be to the Grove; and in truth I now considered my Hampshire engagement as the bonne bouche of my southern excursion. I reached Stanley Grove before dinner.

A French judge, in an action upon a wager, laid it down in law, that man only had a bouche, all other animals had a gueule: only with regard to the horse, in consideration of his beauty, nobility, use, and in honor of the respect with which man regarded him, by the courtesy of Christendom, he might be allowed to have a bouche, and his reproach of brutality, if not taken away, might thus be hidden.

He asked me all manner of impertinent questions, and, if he fall in with you, may ask you as many; but remember Jaques Coeur's motto, "'En close bouche N'entre mouche "And again, 'Dire, faire, taire." "Ay, ay, father, you may depend on me," said I, heartily. Sometimes, before I went to bed, I stepped out to get a glimpse of the light in Madeleine's window.

"Ah!" said Robespierre, laughing. "This puts me in mind of a story told of the cruelty and tyranny, of Pope Sixtus the Fifth, who, having one night, after he had enjoyed himself at a Bacchanalian supper, when heated with wine, by way of a 'bonne bouche', ordered the first man that should come through the gate of the 'Strada del popolo' at Rome to be immediately hanged.

Il attend assez longtemps, reflechissant tout seul, et figurez-vous qu'il prend Daniel, lui ouvre la bouche de force at avec une cuiller a the l'emplit de menu plomb de chasse, mail l'emplit jusqu'au menton, puis il le pose par terre. Smiley pendant ce temps etait a barboter dans une mare.