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Timmendiquas made a deprecatory gesture, but Thayendanegea went on: "I speak but the truth, great chief of the Wyandots. We owe you much, and some day we may repay. Here the Bostonians crowd us hard, and the Mohawks may yet fight by your side to save your own hunting grounds." "It is true," said Timmendiquas. "There, too, we' must fight the Americans."

There are three grades of recognition, entirely distinct from each other: the meeting of two persons of different countries who speak the same language, an American and an Englishman, for instance; the meeting of two Americans from different cities, as of a Bostonian and a New Yorker or a Chicagonian; and the meeting of two from the same city, as of two Bostonians.

Donald Rodgers, the very efficient young diplomatist who was representing American interests in Siam pending the arrival of the new minister. "I'll do my best to arrange it," Rodgers assured me, "but I'm not sanguine about meeting with success. The Siamese are fine people, kindly, hospitable and all that, but they're as conservative as Bostonians."

He was a jewel of a listener, and was not easily bored even when Philadelphians talked about families, or New Yorkers about bargains, or Bostonians about books.

And yet he goes in and outbids Clarence, and buys her himself. Do you think any gentleman would do that, Puss Russell?" "He bought her himself!" cried the astonished Miss Russell. "Why I thought that all Bostonians were Abolitionists." "Then he set her free," said Miss Carvel, contemptuously Judge Whipple went on her bond to-day." "Oh, I'm just crazy to see him now," said Miss Russell.

Adams had not been the most delicate of his ruptured relations, and he was liable to be sensitive in many ways that even Bostonians could hardly keep in constant mind; yet it interested and fascinated Henry Adams as a new study of political humanity.

I met in company at different times five gentlemen, each of whom would be conspicuous in any crowd for his stature and proportions. We could match their proportions, however, in the persons of well-known Bostonians. To see how it was with other classes, I walked in the Strand one Sunday, and noted carefully the men and women I met. I was surprised to see how many of both sexes were of low stature.

Outside of America, there has never been any hesitancy in pronouncing Poe the first poet of his country; but, at home, it is only recently his real merit has come to be at all generally acknowledged. Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston in 1809 a stroke of purest irony on the part of fate, for he was in no respect a Bostonian, and it was to Bostonians especially that he was anathema.

I do not know how or why it is that while we wicked New-Yorkers pay twenty-five cents for our beefsteak, these righteous Bostonians should have to pay thirty, for the same cut and quality. Here I give twenty-eight a pound for my Java coffee; in the summer I live near an otherwise delightful New Hampshire town where I must give thirty-eight.

Meanwhile, as of course you know" he addressed French "New Yorkers and Bostonians suffer almost as much from the abomination that Nevada and South Dakota call laws, as Barnes has suffered.