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... And so the whole wearisome proceedings were at an end and Cleek had spoken no word of that would-be assassin who had come upon him in the dark watches of the night and sought his life. He noted that Borkins looked at him in some surprise, but held his counsel. Borkins knew more than he had said upon his oath this day; of that Cleek was certain. Well, he would bide his time.

There were other ways to work besides the open-handed fashion of the coroner's court and the policeman's uniform. He was due to meet Borkins that night and discuss the possibilities of being taken on to work at the electrical factory. Something might come out of that something must come of that.

But if Borkins became a stone image whenever Merriton was about, his effusiveness was over-powering at such times as Mr. Brellier paid a visit to the Towers. He followed both Brellier and his niece wherever they went like a shadow. Jokingly one day, Merriton had made the remark: "Borkins might be your factotum rather than mine, Mr.

"I take it that you had had what you term 'words' since that fatal date?" Borkins nodded. He did not like this cross-examination, and his nervousness was apparent in voice and look and action. "Yes, sir." "H'm.

Borkins? That kind of a devil dares anything.... How's your uncle, dear? He has heard, of course?" Her face brightened, her eyes were suddenly moist. She put her hands upon his shoulders and tilted her chin so that she could see his eyes. "Uncle Gustave told me to tell you that he does not believe a word of it, dearest!" she said, softly. "And he is going to make investigations himself.

So we will take it that he knew of this little instrument here, and upon hearing of Wynne's proposed investigations, he dashed to the back kitchen of the Towers which, was rarely used by the other servants, as being, so one of them told me, 'so dark and damp that it fair gave 'em the creeps. Therefore Borkins had his way unmolested, and it did not take him long, knowing the turnings of the underground passage as he did from constant use to communicate with Withersby Hall.

But if only there had been another witness, someone who actually saw this thing done, or who had heard the pistol-shot not that I'm doubting your word at all, Doctor it might help to elucidate matters. There is no one you know of who could have heard and not spoken?" At this juncture Borkins came quietly into the room, holding the little revolver in his right hand, and handed it to Cleek.

How bitter was that plot is evidenced by the removal of the bodies to the place they were discovered on the Fens no very pleasant job for any man." Cleek whirled suddenly upon Borkins, who stood with bent head and pallid face, biting his lips and twisting his hands together, while Cleek's voice broke the perfect silence of the court.

Simply what I heard." "H'm. Well, certainly the evidence does dovetail in, and the doctors may have been wrong in this instance. We can look into that evidence later. Stand down." Borkins stood down with something like a sigh of relief, and pushed his way back into his place, his friends nodding to him and congratulating him upon the way he had given his evidence.

Merriton twisted round upon his heel and looked at the man keenly for a moment. "I'm fond of Collins, Borkins," he said abruptly. "We've known each other a long time. I shouldn't like anything to happen to the chap while he's in my service, that's all. Get out now and make enquiries in every direction. Have Dimmock go down to the village. And ransack every public house round about.