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Mr Rice Rice, junior, and Sir Hugh wished that they were good chess players. It was quite an honour to be invited to a family party at Glanyravon. 'Put the chess-table into the book-room, Winifred, and lock the door. Mr Gwynne actually rose in the excitement of the moment. 'If the servants come they will disturb the men, and and all that sort of thing, you know.

Lady Mary looked still more favourably upon Rowland when he returned, with a flush on his face, from the book-room. 'Do you know that young Prothero is a very handsome young man? she said to Miss Gwynne. 'Very handsome, said Miss Gwynne, remembering her intentions for Wilhelmina. And the carriages were announced.

Later, when the woman had gone, and the two servant women were crying in the kitchen while they drank scalding tea and spilt it down their aprons from trembling hands, Andrew Lashcairn and Aunt Janet sat in the book-room with all Rose Lashcairn's papers spread out before them. Marcella sat for a while watching. There were letters, smelling of the lavender and rue that lay among them.

Dr Thorne had come to the house somewhat before dinner-time, at Mr Gresham's request, and was now sitting with the squire in his own book-room so called while Mary was talking to some of the girls upstairs.

George adopted towards his mother's favourite a frigid courtesy, at which the honest gentleman chafed but did not care to remonstrate, or a stinging sarcasm, which he would break through as he would burst through so many brambles on those hunting excursions in which he and Harry Warrington rode so constantly together; whilst George, retreating to his tents, read mathematics, and French, and Latin, and sulked in his book-room more and more lonely.

Long as the distance was she ordinarily rode it all, but on this occasion she had provided a carriage to bring her over as much of the journey as it was practicable for her to perform on wheels. As soon as she reached her own hall door she asked if Mr. Cumming was at home. "Yes," the servant said. "He was in the small book-room, at the back of the house, up stairs."

I shall go on coming here, because you're here. I don't think you'll like it a bit, you know. 'I don't suppose I shall, Lord Nidderdale. After a while Marie contrived to be alone with her lover near one of the windows for a few seconds. 'Papa is downstairs in the book-room, she said.

As my lord went from breakfast-room to book-room, from book-room to dressing-room, and from dressing-room to dining-room, his footsteps creaked with a sound more deadly than that of a death-watch. The book-room itself had caught a darker gloom; the backs of the books seemed to have lost their gilding, and the mahogany furniture its French polish.

And then her name was down at the assembly-rooms, and in the pump-room, and the book-room, and in the best of sittings in Mr. O'Callaghan's fashionable church, in almost less than no time. There were scores of ladies desirous of being promoted from the side walls to the middle avenues in Mr. O'Callaghan's church; for, after all, what is the use of a French bonnet when stuck under a side wall?

I cannot bear to think of you as two prisoners in the book-room, at this time. I do not know, however, as Elizabeth would be happy to remain in the country, because men and women are her flowers, and they do not grow on hills and slopes. We had a letter from Louisa Hawthorne to-day, which says that the cat Beelzebub is dead. Another letter now goes to Mrs. Foote: August 11.