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The idea suggested itself to him that in all probability Dorothy would seek out her old companions of the book-bindery.

Dorothy's pretty, innocent face had captivated his fancy, but he would never have dreamed of making her his wife. As they neared the boat, so great was the crowd clambering on board that Dorothy would have been separated from her companion had she not clung to his arm. "You need never go back to the book-bindery, Dorothy," he managed to whisper again.

Long Toms, built in Kankad's own shops, which covered the road up the sloping rock-spine behind the city; the printing-shop and book-bindery; the observatory, with a big telescope and an ingenious orrery of the Beta Hydrae system; the nuclear-power plant, part of the original price for giving up brigandage.

He felt that it would be rather daring to go there, where he would meet Nadine Holt, after his so abrupt desertion of her; but his anxiety over Dorothy overcame all scruples, and late that afternoon the girls of the Hollingsworth book-bindery were astonished at the door being flung suddenly open and seeing the handsome young man whom they had known as the street-car conductor and Nadine Holt's lover standing on the threshold.

At that moment they stepped aboard the steamer and started toward the upper deck. It had been a happy day for Dorothy, but a most miserable one for poor Jack. Contrary to his expectations, he finished the task allotted to him much sooner than he had anticipated, and by two o'clock he was ready to quit the book-bindery for the day.

Bryan told her the story that he had already related to those about her. "I shall take you home with me," he said, "and you shall never again know want." To the girl it seemed as though what she had heard was but the wild vagaries of a dream, from which she should awaken presently and find herself back in the old book-bindery with the other girls.

"Why, I would just as soon go to the excursion as to the matinée," declared Dorothy; "but there's one objection all the rest of the girls in the book-bindery are going up on the boat to West Point, and among them Nadine Holt." Langdon smothered back a fierce imprecation behind his silky curled mustache. "Then we will abandon the West Point trip." he said, laughingly.

All success to great libraries, and skillful book-bindery, and exquisite typography, and fine-tinted plate paper, and beveled boards, and gilt edges, and Turkey morocco! but we are determined that frescoed alcoves shall not lord it over common shelves, and Russia binding shall not overrule sheepskin, and that "full calf" shall not look down on pasteboard. We war not against great libraries.

And nothing could have been more dainty than her neat kid boots and gloves. Langdon raised his hat to this fair young vision of loveliness with all the gallantry he was capable of, and away they went in high spirits and high glee, and with never a thought in Dorothy's heart of poor Jack toiling at that moment in the book-bindery.

"He can not get out as soon as I do, and I will be almost home while he is waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs;" and a little, light, airy laugh bubbled from her red lips. Jack, as she called him, was one of the gilders in the book-bindery a tall, handsome, manly young fellow of four-and-twenty, whose only failing was that he loved little Dorothy Glenn to distraction.