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The book's come out of all that, and you mightn't have believed that it was me at all unless I'd told you these things." He stood facing her and a sudden awkwardness came over both of them. He was feeling perhaps that he had told her too much, and the reserve of his age, the fear of being indiscreet, had come upon him.

"You must have sat up half the night reading the guidebook," she cried in vexation at her blunder. Cynthia laughed so cheerfully that Mrs. Devar thought she had scored. Medenham left it at that, and was content. Both he and Cynthia knew that lack of space forbade indulgence in such minor details of history on the part of the book's compiler. Another little incident heated Mrs.

I saw that I was too calm; so I walked the room a while and worked myself into a high excitement; but the book's next remark that the adventurer must get up at two in the morning came as near as anything to flatting it all out again. However, I reinforced it, and read on, about how Mr.

He carefully handled it, looking over the outside of the covers, then thumbed the pages. After a long frowning moment, he said, "Publication date is nineteen forty-six but the book's fairly new. Must have been kept hermetically sealed in helium for a good many years." "Yeah, yeah, it was," Philon said matter-of-factly. "Came from my paternal grandfather's side of the family.

Eddy to advertising the book's healing abilities and the inspiring continues right along.

During the earlier stages of the book's progress I had many times deliberated on the desirability of a Preface that should state succinctly what I considered to be my qualifications for the task. Though I had finally decided against any such statement, the form of the Preface might nevertheless serve for the present occasion.

The new book's appearance was coincident with the death of Mr Browning, "so loving and appreciative," as Lady Tennyson wrote; a friend, not a rival, however the partisans of either poet might strive to stir emulation between two men of such lofty and such various genius.

No abbey library could be without it, just as no gentleman's library could be without a copy of the English Chronicle called the Brut. Here is a case in which we know the beginning and end of the book's wanderings, but not the middle of the story.

Invariably the agent had begun his dissertation on the book's merits by an explanation of the illuminated frontispiece if it had one and ended by turning the last page to show the sheet where she must sign her name, underneath those of "the other leading citizens of this town." There was something wrong, but she was not quite sure what it was.

So they went and sat in the conservatory, not to disturb any one. But very soon they came back, Chris crying, and saying, "It couldn't be the right one, Arthur;" and Arthur frowning, and saying, "It is the right story; but it's stuff. I'll tell you what that book's good for, Chris. To paint the pictures. And you've got a new paint-box." So Mother said, "What's the matter?"