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"Hast thou ever heard of the Boni-Homines? They have other names Albigenses, Waldenses, Cathari, Men of the Valleys.

He spoke rather to himself than to Philippa: and his eyes had a far-away look in them, as he lifted his head and gazed from the window over the moorland. "Then what are the Boni-Homines?" inquired Lady Sergeaux. "A few sinners," answered the monk, "whose hearts God hath touched, that they have sought and found that Well of the Living Water."

And do you think there be any grace of condignity in a beggar, when he holdeth forth his hand to receive a garment in the convent dole? Is it such a condescension in him to accept the coat given to him, that he thereby earneth it of merit? Yet this, and less than this, is all that man can do toward God." "Are you one of the Boni-Homines?" asked Philippa suddenly.

The Order of Predicant Friars was instituted by Dominic in 1215, with the avowed object of maintaining Roman doctrine and supremacy, and of opposing and superseding the wandering preachers sent out by the Waldensian Church into all parts of Europe, and known chiefly as Boni-Homines, or Poor Men of Lyons.

"Men give us another name," responded the monk slowly, "which I see you would know. Be it so. They call us Boni-Homines." "But I thought," said Philippa, looking bewilderedly into his face, "I thought those were very evil men. And Archbishop Bradwardine was a very holy man almost a saint." A faint ironical smile flitted for a moment over the monk's grave lips.

The vows of recluses were held very sacred; and the opinions of the Boni-Homines on the monastic question were little in advance of those of the Church of Rome. Had Sir Richard been a peer, he would have said "our hands." This style, now exclusively royal, was in 1372 employed by all the nobles. This adjective also was peculiar to the peerage and the Royal Family.

That Hugh Le Despenser the Elder was an unprincipled and avaricious man, there can be little question. With him, if he embraced the principles of the Boni-Homines at all, it was evidently a mere matter of intellectual opinion. Much less evidence can be found against his son, whose chief crime seems to have been that he aroused the hatred of the "she-wolf of France."

She was beginning to recognise their doctrines now. "The family of God are one," answered the Grey Lady, rather evasively. "He teacheth not different things to divers of His people, though He lead them by varying ways to the knowledge of the one truth." "But are you one of the Boni-Homines?" Philippa repeated. "By birth no." "No," echoed Philippa, "I should think not, by birth.