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Allen, the printer, who was Johnson's landlord and next neighbour in Bolt-court, and for whom he had much kindness, was one of Dodd's friends, of whom to the credit of humanity be it recorded, that he had many who did not desert him, even after his infringement of the law had reduced him to the state of a man under sentence of death. Mr.

I beg, therefore, that you continue to let me know, from time to time, all that you observe. 'Many fits of severe illness have, for about three months past, forced my kind physician often upon my mind. I am now better; and hope gratitude, as well as distress, can be a motive to remembrance. Bolt-court, Fleet-street, Feb. 4, 1783. BOSWELL. Mr.

Match me that among your young folks. Piozzi Letters, ii. 177. On Sept. 2, 1784, he wrote to Mr. Sastres the Italian master: 'I have hope of standing the English winter, and of seeing you, and reading Petrarch at Bolt-court. Ib. p. 407. Life of Johnson, p. 7. It is a most agreeable circumstance attending the publication of this Work, that Mr.

Be pleased to do for me what you can. 'I am, Sir, your humble servant, 'Bolt-Court, Fleet-street, July 7, 1777. 'To DR. SAMUEL JOHNSON. 'Edinburgh, July 15, 1777. 'The fate of poor Dr. Dodd made a dismal impression upon my mind. 'I had sagacity enough to divine that you wrote his speech to the Recorder, before sentence was pronounced.

'I find you have taken one of your fits of taciturnity, and have resolved not to write till you are written to; it is but a peevish humour, but you shall have your way. 'I have sat at home in Bolt-court, all the summer, thinking to write the Lives, and a great part of the time only thinking. Several of them, however, are done, and I still think to do the rest. 'Mr.

Her disease ended in total blindness, which gave her an additional claim on his benevolence. When he lived in the Temple, it was his custom, however late the hour, not to retire to rest until he had drunk tea with her in her lodgings in Bolt-court.

But as soon as Edwards had brought to his recollection their having been at Pembroke-College together nine-and-forty years ago, he seemed much pleased, asked where he lived, and said he should be glad to see him in Bolt-court.

'I have not practised all this prudence myself, but I have suffered much for want of it; and I would have you, by timely recollection and steady resolution, escape from those evils which have lain heavy upon me . I am, my dearest Boswell, 'Your most humble servant, 'Bolt-court, Nov. 16, 1776. On the 16th of November I informed him that Mr.

More news I have not to tell you, and therefore you must be contented with hearing, what I know not whether you much wish to hear , that I am, Sir, 'Your most humble servant, 'SAM. JOHNSON. 'Bolt-court, Fleet-street, August 21, 1780. 'To JAMES BOSWELL, Esq.

At this time MISS Williams, as she was then called, though she did not reside with him in the Temple under his roof, but had lodgings in Bolt-court, Fleet-street, had so much of his attention, that he every night drank tea with her before he went home, however late it might be, and she always sat up for him.