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He thought that the proposal of the English Government was vague, that there was not sufficient provision for the Boer losses in it, and that it treated the Dutch language as a foreign tongue. Circumstances had often been dark, and the darkness would pass away this time as it had done before.

The parties met midway, but only one follower had kept on with Villiers. The Boer leader was killed by Jones, who himself dropped immediately after. His junior, Denniss, went out to look for him, and quickly shared his fate. So, after hours of steadfast bearing, died these gallant lads not in vain. With them fell also fifteen out of their thirty sappers, wounded, but not all slain.

It meant a régime hostile to Britain that carried with it secession and the remote possibility of civil war. In that restaurant, as throughout the whole Union, Smuts was at that moment literally the observed of all observers. Far off in London the powers-that-be were praying that this blonde and bearded Boer could successfully man the imperial breach.

His movements were not unnoticed by the Intelligence, which, however, failed to notify them to Clements, who on December 11 was in presence of two Boer leaders, whose united forces were twice as strong as his own.

The servant is to be raised against the master; the Kaffir is to be declared the brother of the European, to be constituted his legal equal, to be armed with political rights. The dominant race is to be deprived of their superiority; nor is a tigress robbed of her cubs more furious than is the Boer at this prospect. I mused on the tangled skein of politics and party principles.

There was quite a little fusillade, and the sharp cracks and flashes in Saxham's vicinity told of the employment of explosive bullets. But not one hit the man. An unkempt Boer head bobbed up, looking for his corpse.

He had gone out to the Boer outposts to make inquiries about another staff affair the bearer of a flag of truce whose prolonged absence was causing some uneasiness, as the message taken by him to General Schalk-Burger did not demand any answer.

"Miss Mildare!" called the strong, vibrating voice. She faltered: "It it is Dr. Saxham." "And what the devil does Dr. Saxham want?" was written in Beauvayse's angry face. But he called out as he lowered his revolver-hand: "You've had rather an escape of getting shot, Saxham, do you know? You might have been a Boer or a buffalo.

But, unfortunately for me, I had a partner in the expedition, a Boer named Van Raalte, who was cursed with an outrageously quarrelsome disposition and a vile temper, especially where natives were concerned; and it was he who spoiled everything.

Then bang! from across the railway e-e-e-e whizz whirr silence and then the little white balloon just over the place the Boer shell came from. It was twenty-five minutes to nine. In a double chorus of bangs and booms the infantry began to deploy.