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That they are available for supplying energy, and are properly regarded as storage material, is shown by the rapid loss of proteid in starving animals. When the proteids are eaten in excess of the body’s need for rebuilding the tissues, they are supposed to be broken up in such a manner as to form glycogen and fat, which may then be stored in ways already described.

Next to the production of heat, in the consumption of the body’s energy, is the production of motion. *Some Questions of Hygiene.*—The heat-producing capacity of the body sustains a very important relation to the general health. A sudden chill may result in a number of derangements and is supposed to be a predisposing cause of colds.

They supply the basis for the higher mental activities, as perception, memory, thought, imagination, and emotion. Intelligent action is impossible without a knowledge both of the bodily organs and of the body’s surroundings.

Since these philosophers think it necessary to prove the law of inertia, they of course do not suppose it to be self-evident; they must, therefore, be of opinion that previously to all proof, the supposition of a body’s moving by internal impulse is an admissible hypothesis; but if so, why is not the hypothesis also admissible, that the internal impulse acts naturally in some one particular direction, not in another?

It is now used for making the astral body’s own experiences perceptible. During his connection with his physical body the outer world enters man’s consciousness in images; after the body has been laid aside, that which is experienced by the astral body, when it is no longer connected with sense organs, with this outer physical world, becomes perceptible. At first it has no new experiences.

The oxidations at the cells are, therefore, under such control that the quantity of kinetic energy supplied to the body as a whole, and to the different organs, is proportional to the work that is done. *Animal Heat and Motion.*—Most of the body’s energy is expended as heat in keeping warm. It is estimated that as much as five sixths of the whole amount is used in this way.

It supposes that nothing can be a “sufficient reasonfor a body’s moving in one particular direction, except some external force. But this is the very thing to be proved. Why not some internal force? Why not the law of the thing’s own nature?

How did I get them? How did they come into my mind? Did I invent them? Did they originate with myself? Are they my own, or are they some other body’s?

It is the function of a skilled physician to determine which constituent of his patient’s body hath suffered diminution, which hath been augmented. Once he hath discovered this, he must prescribe a food containing the diminished element in considerable amounts, to re-establish the body’s essential equilibrium. The patient, once his constitution is again in balance, will be rid of his disease.

Both the ear and the larynx are constructed with special reference to the nature and properties of sound waves, and they illustrate the body’s ability to adjust itself to, and to make use of, its physical environment. *Exercises.*—1. For what different purposes are sound waves employed in the body? How do sound waves originate? How are they transmitted? How do they differ from the waves on water?