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"Do not mention it," said Count Victor carelessly, though the conduct of this marvel fairly bewildered him, and his distress seemed poorly accounted for by his explanation. "Ah, vieux blagueur!" he thought, "can it be Balhaldie again a humbug with no heart in his breast but an onion in his handkerchief?" And then he was ashamed of suspicions of which a day or two ago he would have been incapable.

Could they hope to keep out of men's speech, or even out of their books, however they excluded from their own Dictionary, such words as 'blague, 'blaguer, 'blagueur, because, being born of the people, they had the people's mark upon them?

"I think," she said, judgmatical, "that you're very like the other lone wolf, the fictitious one Lupin, you know a bit of a blagueur. If you're not nervous, why keep glancing over there? as if you were rather expecting somebody as if you wouldn't be surprised to see Popinot or De Morbihan pop out of the ground or Ekstrom!" "Hum!" he said gravely.

He had been lashing himself up all along into such a state of brutal ferocity, that he would have been disappointed if his extortion had been immediately satisfied; so he broke in savagely on the chaplain's confused excuses and promises to settle everything at a fitting season: "Tais toi, blagueur! On ne me floue pas ainsi avec des promesses; je m'en fiche pas mal.