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If the gums are sore and the teeth show a tendency to loosen, the best tooth-paste is one containing potassium chlorate. An alkaline mouth-wash should be used several times a day; after an attack of vomiting it is always advisable to rinse the mouth with such a solution. As a wash either lime water or milk of magnesia, or a solution of bicarbonate of soda may be used; they are equally good.

With this purpose, I had some of these mushrooms cut into small pieces and boiled, on the one hand, in plain water and, on the other, in water with bicarbonate of soda added. The treatment lasted two whole days. The flesh of the bolete was indomitable. To attack it, I should have had to employ violent drugs, which were inadmissible in view of the result to be attained.

Calcined magnesia or the carbonate or bicarbonate of sodium, mixed with milk or some mucilaginous liquid, are the best antidotes. In the absence of these, chalk, whiting, milk, oil, soap-suds, etc., will be found of service. The stomach-pump should not be used. If the breathing is impeded, tracheotomy may be necessary. Injuries of external parts by the acid must be treated as burns.

Caustic potash has a great affinity for carbonic acid; and it is sufficient to shake it in order for it to seize upon the acid and form bicarbonate of potassium. By these two means they would be enabled to restore to the vitiated air its life- supporting properties. It is necessary, however, to add that the experiments had hitherto been made in anima vili.

Then she looked lovingly at the result of her day's work and began to peel some bicarbonate of magnesia off her knuckles with the nutcracker. "Only two out of 21,219 I think you ought to call it a long shot instead of a snap shot," I whispered, after I had dodged behind a sofa. She went out of the room without saying a word, and I took out my pocketbook and looked at it wistfully.

Prolonged boiling, with the aid of bicarbonate of soda, so far from reducing them to a mess, left them very nearly intact. The other mushrooms whose size entitles them to culinary consideration offer the same degree of resistance. In the second place, there is no loss of succulence and hardly any of flavor.

That portion of the hardness of water due to the presence of bicarbonate of lime, magnesia, or iron, is corrected by boiling the water for half an hour.

Take of: Carbonate of Ammonia, half a drachm; Bicarbonate of Soda, a drachm and a half; Water, eight ounces; To make a mixture: Two tablespoonfuls to be taken twice or three times a day, until relief be obtained. The two most frequent causes of flatulence are, first, the want of walking exercise during the day, and second, the eating of a hearty meal just before going to bed at night.

The following is a deduction which confirms, by explaining, the empirical generalization, that soda powders weaken the human system. These powders, consisting of a mixture of tartaric acid with bicarbonate of soda, from which the carbonic acid is set free, must pass into the stomach as tartrate of soda.

The processes included under the term !chlorimetry! comprise those employed to determine chlorine, hypochlorites, bromine, and hypobromites. The reagent employed is sodium arsenite in the presence of sodium bicarbonate. The reaction in the case of the hypochlorites is NaClO + Na AsO > Na AsO + NaCl.