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"But, no!" he suddenly said, "Hilary he would be Dandy, bic-ause he's call' the ladies' man!" "No, sir!" cried the General. "Hil " He turned upon his nephew, but finding him engaged with Anna, faced round to his chum: "For Heaven's sake, Greenleaf, does he allow ?" "He can't help it now," laughed his friend, "he's tagged it on himself by one of his songs."

Don't stop, Fred, Maxime won't object to your working on." "Yes, he will!" swore Gibbs, "and so will I!" Still Hilary scrubbed: "Why so, Mr. Gibbs?" "Bic-ause," put in Maxime, "he's got to go back through the same mud he came!" "Why, then," laughed Hilary, "I may as well knock off, too," and began to wash his hands. "No," growled Gibbs, "you'll ride on; we're not here for you."

"Hev'ryt'in', iv you pliz!" exclaimed Clotilde, with most uncalled-for warmth. "An' you crah bic-ause 'e is nod guiltie?" "Ah! foolish!" "Ah, non, my chile, I know fo' wad you cryne: 't is h-only de sighd of de blood." "Oh, sighd of blood!" Clotilde let a little nervous laugh escape through her dejection.

"Well, then," Aurora's eyes twinkled like stars, "id muz be bic-ause 'Sieur Frowenfel' bump 'is 'ead ha, ha, ha!" "'Tis nod tru'!" cried Clotilde; but, instead of laughing, as Aurora had supposed she would, she sent a double flash of light from her eyes, crimsoned, and retorted, as the tears again sprang from their lurking-place, "You wand to mague ligue you don't kyah! But I know!