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"I don't know yet whether we're a piece of a brigade or a police force. However, I think we'll call ourselves a police force. How did you manage to get a Bhil vaccinated?" "Well, sir," said Chinn, "I've been thinking it over, and, as far as I can make out, I've got a sort of hereditary influence over 'em." "So I know, or I wouldn't have sent you; but what, exactly?" "It's rather rummy.

There will be no more pitted faces among the Satpuras, and so ye can ask many cows for each maid to be wed." And so on and so on quick-poured showman's patter, sauced in the Bhil hunting-proverbs and tales of their own brand of coarse humour till the lancets were blunted and both operators worn out.

The least of our actions is always regulated by our Bhamyas chieftains who are the direct descendants of Nadir-Sing, the first Bhil, the child of our exiled ancestor, and being this, it is only natural that the great god speaks to us through him." Is not it strange that Apis, the sacred ox of the Egyptians, is honored by the followers of Zoroaster, as well as by the Hindus?

Must be a queer thing to see your grandfather treated as a god." "What makes you think there's any truth in the tale?" said Chinn. "Because all our men deny it. They say they've never heard of Chinn's tiger. Now that's a manifest lie, because every Bhil has." "There's only one thing you've overlooked," said the Colonel, thoughtfully.

When Bukta could not accompany his boy on shooting-trips, he took care to put him in good hands, and Chinn learned more of the mind and desire of the wild Bhil in his marches and campings, by talks at twilight or at wayside pools, than an uninstructed man could have come at in a lifetime.

Say only one little word, and we will be content." "We? What have tales from the south, where the jungly Bhils live, to do with drilled men?" "When Jan Chinn wakes is no time for any Bhil to be quiet." "But he has not waked, Bukta." "Sahib "-the old man's eyes were full of tender reproof-" if he does not wish to be seen, why does he go abroad in the moonlight?

There will be no more pitted faces among the Satpuras, and so ye can ask many cows for each maid to be wed." And so on and so on quick-poured showman's patter, sauced in the Bhil hunting-proverbs and tales of their own brand of coarse humour till the lancets were blunted and both operators worn out.

As concerned the foolish white world which has no eyes, he was a slim and young officer in the Wuddars; but his own people knew he was Jan Chinn, who had made the Bhil a man; and, believing, they hastened to carry his words, careful never to alter them on the way.

Or, again, if written order came from the Government that a Bhil was to repair to a walled city of the plains to give evidence in a law-court, would it be wise to disregard that order? On the other hand, if it were obeyed, would the rash voyager return alive? "But what have I to do with these things?" Chinn demanded of Bukta, impatiently. "I am a soldier. I do not know the law." "Hoo!

This time she called to the hamal, a Bhil, engaged out of compassion, and likely, as a son of the jungle's sons, to be of more courage than the stall-fed butler in presence of dangerous beast or reptile. "Hamal: I want you," she called coolly. "Mem-Sahib?" came the reply from the lamp-room near by, and the man approached. "That stupid butler has dropped a lamp and run away.