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By his order the vessel that Gadifer had sent to the fort at Lancerota was seized; Remonnet tried resistance, but his numbers were too small, and his supplications were useless to prevent Berneval's men, and even Berneval himself, from destroying all the arms, furniture, and goods, which Béthencourt had placed in the fort at Lancerota.

In the second chapel, following the same direction, Alexander de Berneval, one of the architects of the church, was buried in 1440.

From Graziosa, the traitor Berneval returned to Lancerota, and put the finishing stroke to his villany by pretending to make an alliance with the king of the island.

He is represented, on the sepulchral stone which covers his remains, by the side of his pupil; the following inscription is engraved on this stone in gothic letters: Ci gist maistre Alexandre de Berneval, maistre des Œuvres de Machonnerie du Roy, notre Sire, du baillage de Rouen et de cette Eglise, qui trespassa l'an de grace mil CCCCXL le vo jour de janvier. Priez Dieu pour l'ame de lui.

The Norman cavalier His ideas of conquest What was known of the Canary Islands Cadiz The Canary Archipelago Graciosa Lancerota Fortaventura Jean de Béthencourt returns to Spain Revolt of Berneval His interview with King Henry III. Gadifer visits the Canary Archipelago Canary Island or "Gran Canaria" Ferro Island Palma Island. Jean de Béthencourt was born about the year 1339, at Eu in Normandy.

A castle or rather fort was built at the south-western extremity of the island, and some men left there under the command of Berthin de Berneval, while Béthencourt set out with the rest of his followers for the island of Erbania or Fortaventura.

Pleydell told me that it was all arranged." "It was until today," she said. "I am a little uncertain now." He looked at her perplexed. "May I know why?" he asked. She raised her eyebrows slightly. "You are rather an inquisitive person," she remarked. "The fact is, I may need the money I have saved for Berneval for somewhere else." "Of course," he said slowly, "if you don't go I don't.

No! he never could have expected such wickedness in one who was looked upon as the most able of the whole band. But what was Berneval doing meanwhile?

Insults were showered upon the governor, and Berneval cried, "I should like Gadifer de la Salle to know that if he were as young as I, I would kill him, but as he is not, I will spare him. If he is put above me I shall have him drowned, and then he can fish for sea-wolves."