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I don't mind trusting little Essie with him, and he says his brother is sure to give him quite enough to marry upon, so they'll do very well, even, if How about that affair which was hinted of at Belforest, Caroline? Will it ever come off?" "Probably not. Poor Lord Fordham's health does not improve, and so I am very thankful that he does not fulfil Babie's ideal."

There was so much chance of infection that she could not see any of the family again. Both the Johns sickened as soon as Armine began to improve, and Miss Ogilvie took the three girls down to Belforest. After the first few days it was rather a pleasant nursing.

"And I ought to go up for lectures," said Jock, who had been reading hard all this time under directions from Dr. Medlicott. "I might go on before, and see that the house is put in order before you come home, mother." "Home! It sounds more like going home than ever going back to Belforest did!" "And we'll make it the very moral of the old times. We've got all the old things!"

They were very kind and friendly, anxious that Allen should stay as long as was good for him, as well as pressing in their hospitality to the two ladies. Mr. Gould was very anxious to drive them home in his gig, though he allowed that the road was very rough unless you went through Belforest Park, and that he never did.

An establishment must be formed, but in the meantime, it would be quite beneath you to return to Mrs. Brownlow, again to become the prey of underground machinations. Besides, how awkward it would be while the lawsuits are going on. Impossible! No my dear, you must only return to Belforest in a triumphal procession.

Caroline looked anxiously for Bobus; and Janet, who had stayed at home to finish some papers for her essay society, said that he had only hurried in to tell her and take off his stilts, and had then gone down to Dr. Leslie's. "Then has Dr. Leslie gone? We did not meet him, but he may have gone through Belforest," exclaimed Caroline.

"It is our melancholy duty to record the demise of James Barnes, Esq., which took place at his residence at Belforest Park, near Kenminster, on the 20th of December. The lamented gentleman had long been in failing health, and an attack of paralysis, which took place on the 19th, terminated fatally.

I know a man whose uncle left him a hundred pounds last year, and the lawyers haven't let him touch a penny of it." "Perhaps he is not of age," said Janet. "At any rate," said Jock, "we can have our fun at Belforest." "O yes, Jock, only think," cried Babie, "all the dear tadpoles belong to mother!" "And all the dragon-flies," said Armine. "And all the herons," said Jock.

The Vicar of Woodside had much improved the Church and services with as much assistance in the way of money as he chose to ask for from the lady of Belforest, though hitherto he had had nothing more; but he and his sister augured better things when the lady herself with her daughter and her two youngest sons came across the park in the freshness of the morning to the early Celebration.

Nobody was to know till Twelfth-day, and then the first tree cut at Belforest would be a Christmas-tree. Then came a few regrets that everybody had proclaimed their purchases, and therewith people began to grow weary and drop asleep. It was by gaslight that they arrived at home and bundled into the flys that awaited them, and then in the hall at home came Elvira's cry