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His insinuations of foul dealing toward his witness are absurd, of course, and, to save any further trouble, I am willing to receive as a witness, in place of Mr. Phipps, Mr. Belcher himself, and to pledge myself to abide by what he establishes. I can do no more than this, I am sure, and now I challenge him to take the stand."

"Why, what ails the man?" demanded Miss Belcher, as Captain Branscome stopped short with a groan. "I was thinking, ma'am, that but for my visit he might never have relaxed his guard that it was I who helped the murderer to take him at unawares.

Yet he had no ill-feeling for Burroughs, only a desire to circumvent him, on behalf of the unprotected, as he would have baffled a hawk or a wildcat. He went home in dismal spirits, but later that evening constructed a boyish letter of thanks to the apocryphal Belcher and told him all about the trout! He brought her his letter the next day, and received hers to inclose.

"Tom Belcher, Bob Kelley! Stop that dog! He's mine!" "Davy!" Mrs. Alien was holding the boy. "Don't don't say anything. You're free to go home. Your record's clear. The dog's his!" "Hold on!" Mr. Kirby had risen from his chair. "You come back here, Mr. Thornycroft. This court's not adjourned yet. If you don't get back, I'll stick a fine to you for contempt you'll remember the rest of your days.

We have anticipated in the last paragraph in order to illustrate how the Mounted Police guided the wild stampede. But let us get back and find Superintendent Perry on the ground just as the rush was starting for the passes. He made a swift trip and placed detachments of police on the Chilcoot and White Passes, putting those reliable officers Inspectors Belcher and Strickland in command.

Now, there was nothing poetical in the place or the circumstance, still less in the companionship in which this fair creature startled the virgin heart of that careless boy; she was leaning on the arm of a stout, rosy- faced matron in a puce-coloured gown, who was flanked on the other side by a very small, very spare man, with a very wee face, the lower part of which was enveloped in an immense belcher.

I am compelled to go back to her with some answer; and, as I am determined to have my house open, I must say whether you accept or decline her courtesy; for courtesy it is, and not patronage at all." Mrs. Belcher felt the chain tightening, and knew that she was to be bound, whether willing or unwilling.

"If you'll take these things out of the room, and see that I drink nothing to-night, I'll do anything. They are hell and damnation to me. Don't you see? Have you no pity on me? Take them away!" Mr. Belcher was surprised, but he had secured the promise he was after, and so he coolly rose and removed the offensive temptation. Yates sat down as limp as if he had had a sunstroke.

"And so womanly!" assented Captain Branscome, to my entire surprise. "Indeed, sir," I stammered. "Well, I have heard people say Mr. Rogers for one that Miss Belcher ought to have been born a man." "Miss Belcher? Why, heavens alive, boy, I was referring to Miss Plinlimmon!" He dismissed me with a wave of the hand, but called me back as I turned to the door.

He fumbled with his glasses, while Miss Belcher and I, snatching at the chart, almost knocked our heads together as we bent over a corner of it the left-hand upper corner and a dozen lines of writing scrawled there in faded ink. They ran thus Landed by cuttar when wee saw a sail. Lesser Kay N. of Gable. S. a point E. 3 feet bare, being hurried.