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The young beauty's vivid imagination transported her to this new and quieter life. But, spite of the clear and glowing hues in which she described her anticipations, her grey-haired listener could not have believed in them fully.

They live in that next house to hern, and are amazin' thick with her, runnin' in and out all times o' day. Nice, spry, likely girls they be too, not bad-lookin' neither, but hardly fit to hold a candle to Miss Dinsmore, as fur as beauty's concerned. Well, what do you say to the room, Mr. Egerton?" "That I will take it, and would like to have immediate possession."

But you have not mentioned the day neither that of the beauty's ball, for which I owe you much ill will, and therefore my next shall be to Natalie, to whom all good wishes. Albany, January 29, 1800. You must be weary of hearing that "I have not yet a line from you, and that John and Alexis are not arrived," but you must submit to hear often of what so often employs my thoughts.

Her hair is brown, her cheek is delicately pallid, her forehead is too ample for a ball-room beauty's. A single faint line between the eyebrows is the record of long continued anxious efforts to please in the task she has chosen, or rather which has been forced upon her.

Our company accomplished wonderful deeds of valor;" and if Beauty's smile be indeed a fit reward, truly these young heroes received it. Our party exchanged greetings with several groups, seating ourselves at last within the brilliant circle surrounding Judge and Mrs. Hopkins, of Alabama.

This was hard to bear. Raising herself on one elbow, Mrs. Deasy pointed contemptuously to Manogi's husband and called out "Ah, you conceited Manogi! My man hath beaten him badly." "Thou liest, thou great blubbering whale," was the beauty's scornful reply; "he could beat such a drunkard as thy husband any day."

"Then that woman must have been both aged and hideous." "I said, Priestess, that she had conquered time, not suffered it, for the gift of immortal youth was hers. Also she was not hideous; she was beauty itself." "Therefore stranger, thou didst worship her for her beauty's sake, as a man does." "I did not worship her; I loved her, which is another thing.

Where are Captain Robert Baldry and his men?" A young man hurriedly approached her from another quarter of the room. Men bowed low as he passed, and the circle about the maid of honor received him with a deference it scarce had shown to Beauty's self. "Ha, Mistress Damaris!" he cried, with somewhat of a forced gayety, "my sister sends messages to you from Wilton!

Again she raised her eyes to her own image, and saw plainly that anger was unbecoming to her. The flush on her face was not rosy, but purple; and the scowl upon her brow was fast deepening into a wrinkle. Her bosom heaved with a heavy, heavy sigh. "Ah," thought she, "if I am ever again to find favor in his eyes, I must always smile; for smiles are the last glowing tints of beauty's sunset.

Then turning round, a parchment did Reduan unfold, And on it was a writing in characters of gold; The meaning of the posy at once the maiden caught: "Since I can venture, I can have; as yet, I am not naught." He shows upon his shield a sun, circled with burning rays; And on the rim was written a little verse which says, "Two suns, one on my shield, and one in beauty's eyes, I trace."