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And as she saw the tall form of the Barone approach, she could have thrown her arms around his neck in pure gladness. "Oh, Barone!" she called. "Am I making you miss this dance?" "It does not matter, Signorina." The Barone stared keenly at the erect and tense figure at the prima donna's side. "You will excuse me, Herr Rosen," said Nora, as she laid her hand upon the Barone's arm.

But I know Sicily, and know that I can always rely on the chivalry of Sicilian gentlemen where an unhappy lady is concerned." He spoke intentionally with a certain pomp, and held his hat in his hand while he was speaking. The Pretore looked pleased and flattered. "Certainly, Signor Barone," he said. "Certainly. We all grieve for the poor signora." "You will allow me to stay?" said Artois.

I accepted the Barone's proposition solely that I might get here first and convince you that an apology will save you a heap of discomfort. The Barone is a first-rate shot, and doubtless he will only wing you. But that will mean scandal and several weeks in the hospital, to say nothing of a devil of a row with the civil authorities.

Mamma mia! and only two days ago we were all at the fair together! And he was so generous, Signor Barone." He moved a little nearer, but Artois saw him glance swiftly at Gaspare, like a man fearful of violence and ready to repel it. "He paid for everything. We could all keep our soldi in our pockets. And he gave Maddalena a beautiful blue dress, and he gave me a donkey. Dio mio!

No doubt you know, Signor Barone, much better than I, who am not much in the way of hearing of such things unless in cases where I make it my business to hear of them, you understand, Signor Barone, you, no doubt, know that the Signor Conte has been besieging, as I may say, this poor Lalli woman with his attentions and verses ever since she came here; also, that the lady would have nothing to say to him or to his verses that she has, in short, snubbed him and mortified his vanity in the sight of all the town during the whole of the past Carnival."

One more good look at her, and he would go away. The odds had been too strong for him, and he knew that he was broken. When the motor-boat came back, Abbott and the Barone made use of it also. They crossed in silence, heavy-hearted. On landing Abbott said: "It is probable that I shall not see you again this year. I am leaving to-morrow for Paris.

"What I did at the ball was wrong, and I should not have lost my temper. I had come to you to apologize then. But I am Italian. It is natural that I should lose my temper," naïvely. "We're both of us a pair of fools, Barone. There was always some one else. A couple of fools." "Yes," admitted the Barone eagerly.

Beside the said Pope is the portrait of Messer Barone himself from the life, in the dress of those times, made very well and with very good judgment.

They bore the names of the Barone Manutoli and the Marchese Ludovico Castelmare; and Bianca handed them to the Marchese with a matter-of-course air that seemed to say that, in the position which the Marchese Lamberto and she had assumed towards each other, it was natural and proper that he should see who had called on her.

Nora made no mistake with either Abbott's cup or the Barone's; but the two men were filled with but one desire, to throw Herr Rosen out of the window. What had begun as a beautiful day was now becoming black and uncertain. The Barone could control every feature save his eyes, and these openly admitted deep anger. He recollected Herr Rosen well enough.