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"The only thing that spoils it is the smoke of those engines, reminding one that in two hours you or I, or that pastoral old hermit there in a smock-frock, and a pipe and oh, what bad tobacco! can be wrenched out of this paradise, and shrieked and rattled off and flung into that wilderness of brick called London, where the hearts are as hard as the pavement except those that have strayed there from Barfordshire."

This was Fanny Dover; and the tall gentleman whose relation she was, and whose wife she resolved to be in one year, three years, or ten, according to his power of resistance was Harrington Vizard, a Barfordshire squire, with twelve thousand acres and a library.

I will take my broken heart quietly away, and leave Barfordshire, and England, and the world, for aught I care." Then he cried: and that made her cry directly. "Ah!" she sighed, "we are unfortunate. Appearances are so deceitful. I see I have judged too hastily, and listened too little to my own heart, that always made excuses. But it is too late now." "Why too late?" "It is." "But why?"

"Oh, Harrington will never punish him, if he keeps his distance; but he has advertised in all the papers, warning him that if he sets foot in Barfordshire he will be arrested and sent to prison." Ina Klosking shook her head. "When a man is in love with such a woman as that, dangers could hardly deter him." "That depends upon the man, I think. But Harrington has done better than that.

The faithful Rhoda accompanied her half way to London; then returned to her own duties in Barfordshire. I MUST now retrograde a little to relate something rather curious, and I hope not uninteresting. Zoe Vizard had been for some time acting on Mrs. Gale's advice; building, planning for the good of the poor, and going out of herself more and more.

Ashmead, then, tell him where she was, as she had not written to any one in Barfordshire not even to her tried friend, Miss Gale. He received an answer by return of post. "DEAR SIR I am grieved to tell you that Mademoiselle Klosking has retired from public life.

Events did not stand still in Barfordshire; but they were tame, compared with those I have lately related, and must be dispatched in fewer words. Aunt Maitland recovered unexpectedly from a severe illness, and was a softened woman: she sent Fanny off to keep Zoe company. That poor girl had a bitter time, and gave Doctress Gale great anxiety.

Vizard; indeed, it is no convert of mine. It is an independent enthusiast. But I really believe your work at home had some hand in firing her enthusiasm." "A lady! Do I know her?" "You may. I suppose you know everybody in Barfordshire. Will you come? Do!" "Of course I will come, Miss Gale. Please tell one of your people to walk my horse down after us."

"Well, principally. And I don't exactly object. I warn. In the first place, as soon as ever we get into Barfordshire, she will most likely jilt you. You may be only her Continental lover. How can I tell, or you either? And if not, and you were to be weak enough to marry her, she would develop unexpected vices directly they all do.

"You who have seen my torments and my fidelity, mark what I say: If he is false to me with another woman, I shall kill him or else I shall hate him." She took her desk and wrote, at Ashmead's dictation, "Vizard Court, Taddington, Barfordshire."