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"I told you what I thought of you," continued Balzajette. "It is with regard to this patient of whom you spoke to me; you remember?" "Madame Dammauville?" "Exactly. I put her on her feet, as I told you, but since then this bad weather has compelled her to take to her bed again. Without doubt, it is only an affair of a few days; but in the mean time, the poor woman is irritable and impatient.

The first time you came to see me you pleased me immediately, and I told you you would make your way. Do you remember?" Assuredly he remembered; and of all the visits that he made to the doctors and druggists of his quarter, that to Balzajette was the hardest. It was impossible to show more pride, haughtiness, and disdain than Balzajette had put into his reception of the then unknown young man.

"You should understand," she said with a little more calmness for, since he permitted her to speak, she hoped to convince him "that I have done all I could to bring Madame Dammauville to the idea of calling, in consultation with Monsieur Balzajette, a doctor " "Which would be myself." "You or another; I have not mentioned any name.

Balzajette cut short this conversation, which was idle talk to him. "Good evening, dear Madame. I will see you tomorrow, but not in the morning, for I go to the country at six o'clock, and shall not return until noon." "Did you observe how I cut the conversation short?" Balzajette said, as they went down-stairs. "If you listen to women they will never let you go.

Frightened to see in whose hands she is, I undertook to find out, and finished by learning without asking her directly that she has seen no other physician during the year. When she was taken with paralysis a consultation was held, and she has had Doctor Balzajette ever since. She says he is very kind, and takes care of her as well as another would."

Happily for him, he had only to let Balzajette talk, for if he had spoken he would surely have betrayed himself by the quivering of his voice. However, Balzajette seemed coming to the end of his explanations.

Saniel thanked him as if he believed in the perfect sincerity of this spontaneous proposition. "I like the young, and whenever an occasion presents itself, I shall be happy to introduce you to my clientage. For Madame Dammauville, when can you go with me to see her?" As Saniel appeared to hesitate, Balzajette, mistaking the cause of his silence, persisted. "She is impatient," he said.

They passed into the parlor, where they very quickly came to an amicable conclusion, for at everything that Saniel said Balzajette replied: "I am happy to see that you partake of my opinion. That is it. Truly, that is so!" And, besides, each had his reasons for hurrying Saniel, for fear of the lamps; Balzajette, uneasiness for his dinner.

Will this appearance be possible? That is what I could not learn; only a physician could tell." Saniel did not wish to let it appear that he understood this new challenge. "I forgot to tell you," Phillis continued, "that the physician who attends her is Doctor Balzajette of the Rue de l'Echelle. Do you know him?" "A prig, who conceals his ignorance under dignified manners."

And after the first feeling of surprise which made me cry out, I was confirmed in this thought on recalling the fact that you did not wear the long hair and blond beard that the man wore who drew the curtains; but at that moment Monsieur Balzajette spoke of the hair and beard that you had had cut. I was prostrated.