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"Thou hast been in trouble," she said, leaning on the baluster above him. "Or did ill men set on thee?" "That's the nearest guess," said Stephen. "'Twas that tall father of mine aunt's, the fellow that came here for armour, and bought poor Master Michael's sword." "And sliced the apple on thine hand. Ay?" "He would have me for one of his Badgers." "Thee! Stephen!"

Crossing this, we came to the front door of the house, the latch of which fortunately fitted the same key; and this having been opened by Thorndyke, we trooped into the hall. Immediately we heard the sound of an opening door above, and a reedy, nasal voice sang out: "Hello, there! Who's that below?" The voice was followed by the appearance of a head projecting over the baluster rail. "You are Mr.

The baluster of this staircase forms a spiral connecting itself by a square landing to five of the six sides of the tower, requiring at each landing transversal corbels which are decorated with arabesque carvings without and within.

Thus bidden, I could do no less than walk away down the hall to where the Boy stood with his book, leaning against the baluster. "I've done all I could about the bag," I said. "The people in the post-office seemed hopeful that the big reward would do the trick." "Thank you. You are very good," he returned. Something in his tone made me look at him closely.

"I don't know either," said Scarlett, trying to move the board again. But it was firm as the rest of the stairs. "Did you see that baluster?" said Fred. "See it? No. What do you mean?" "It seemed to me to move and make that noise." "Nonsense! How could it?" "I don't know, but it was just the same noise as it made when you missed your hold and swung round."

How great would his astonishment have been, had he known that poor Lena was almost fainting beside him with the wild hope that her lover had come to claim her at last! How great his stupefaction, could he have seen his daughter standing midway on the stairs, one hand on the baluster, the other raised to her heart in petrifying fear!

"We'll do the coal-bin and the wine cellar. Now, if we only could chance upon an old bottle of home-made grape juice!" He slid down the baluster rail in spite of Dorothy's protest, for the floor below was of mosaics, and the rail might not be safe. But Tom landed without accident, and presently was looking for a passageway to the cellar.

This archway, closed at night by enormous wooden doors, opened wide during the day upon a grassy terrace bounded by a baluster of white marble that gleamed now in the brilliant sunshine. It was O'Moy's practice to breakfast out-of-doors in that genial climate, and during April, before the sun had reached its present intensity, the table had been spread out there upon the terrace.

"You knew my answer, Phaidor," I replied, "before ever you spoke. Make way," I cried to the guards, "for John Carter, Prince of Helium, would pass!" With that I leaped over the low baluster that surrounded the balcony, and with drawn long-sword faced my enemies.

When he arrived there he saw no one, and was about to depart again as he had come, when the head of Maud Lindesay appeared round the upper spiral looking more distractedly mischievous and bewitching than ever, her head all rippling over with dark curls and her eyes fairly scintillating light. She nodded to him and leaned a little farther over, holding tightly to the baluster meanwhile.