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It was therefore probable that we had passed its N.W. extremity; and, as we had seen from the hills of Balade its extent to the S.W., it was necessary to know how far it extended to the east or southeast, while it was in our power to recover the coast; for, by following the direction of the shoals, we might have been carried so far to leeward as not to be able to beat back without considerable loss of time.

Hence I conclude, that the country is divided into several districts, each governed by a chief; but we know nothing of the extent of his power. Balade was the name of the district we were at, and Tea Booma the chief. He lived on the other side of the ridge of hills, so that we had but little of his company, and therefore could not see much of his power.

I did not observe any difference in the variation between the N.W. and S.E. parts of this land, except when we were at anchor before Balade, where it was less than 10°; but this I did not regard, as I found such an uniformity out at sea; and it is there where navigators want to know the variation.

Several fire-places, branches, and leaves very little decayed, remains of turtle, etc. shewed that people had lately been on the isle. The hull of a canoe, precisely of the same shape as those we had seen at Balade, lay wrecked in the sand. We were now no longer at a loss to know of what trees they make their canoes, as they can be no other than these pines.

Ballad was an old French word spelt balade. It really means a dance-song. For ballads were at first written to be sung to dances slow, shuffling, balancing dances such as one may still see in out-of-the-way places in Brittany. These ballads often had a chorus or refrain in which every one joined. But by degrees the refrain was dropped and the dancing too.

The time of high-water, at the full and change, at Balade, is about six o'clock; but at Botany Isle we judged it would happen about ten or eleven o'clock. Sequel of the Passage from New Caledonia to New Zealand, with an Account of the Discovery of Norfolk Island; and the Incidents that happened while the Ship lay in Queen Charlotte's Sound. 1774 October

I cannot say what might occasion this difference in the variation observed at sea and on shore, unless it be influenced by the land; for I must give the preference to that found at sea, as it is agreeable to what we observed before we made the islands, and after we left them. An Account of the Discovery of New Caledonia, and the Incidents that happened while the Ship lay in Balade. 1774 September

With him as leader they all sang a song of the Pyrenees mountaineers, then a waltz from the cafes chantants: "Bien gentiment l'on se balade. C'est la premiere promenade " In another week we should have had a Gallipoli Glee Club. And so ended the adventure of the fifty hostages, who went out to be shot at the end of the comedy, which had its climax at the beginning.

"For my pastance Hunt, sing, and dance, My heart is set All godly sport To my comfort. Who shall me let?" The King's Balade, attributed to Henry the Eighth. Life was a rough, hearty thing in the early sixteenth century, strangely divided between thought and folly, hardship and splendour, misery and merriment, toil and sport.

The victories of their forefathers and eldres, thei put into Balade, and sing theim with greate honour and praises: for that thei thinke the courages of the souldiours and menne of warre be muche quickened, and kindled thereby. Their dwelling houses are communely of timbre and claie, very fewe of stone: for of them are the noble mennes houses their temples, and Batthes.