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Budge recovered her tongue. "She'll not be wanting the young master's room," she said crisply. "Madame's orders " "I would suggest that Miss Gordon decide for herself what room she will have." The lawyer's voice carried a rebuke that was not lost upon the housekeeper. "Harkness, carry the bags upstairs and Miss Gordon and I will follow."

When he came to himself, on the third day, he looked long at all the corners of his hut; but in vain did he endeavour to recollect; his memory was like a miser’s pocket, from which you cannot entice a quarter of a kopek. Stretching himself, he heard something clash at his feet. He looked two bags of gold.

"Plague take the man! what is he talking about?" said Long Ned, who we have seen was of an envious temper, in a whisper to Old Bags. Old Bags shook his head. "In a word, gentlemen," renewed Clifford, "your kindness overpowered me; and despite my cooler inclinations, I accepted your flattering proposal.

"Cousin Egbert's man," repeated Mrs. Effie, a little ostentatiously, I thought. "Poor Egbert's so dependent on him quite helpless without him." Cousin Egbert muttered sullenly to himself as he assisted me with the bags. Then he straightened himself to address them. "Won him in a game of freeze-out," he remarked quite viciously.

The last time we reckoned, you know we had ten thousand drams, and that we put them into ten bags; I will show you that I have not touched one of them. Having said so, he put his hand among some old lumber, and taking out the bags, one after another, gave them to his comrades, saying, There they are; you may judge by their weight that they are whole, or you may tell them if you please.

A small tool-house stood among the garden-stuff, with brick floors, very dirty windows, and the atmosphere of a tomb. Bags of seed, wheel-barrows, onions, and dust cumbered the ground. Empty bottles stood on the old table, cigar ends lay thick upon the hearth, and a trifle of gay crockery adorned the mantel-piece. 'See, then, here is a salon, so cool, so calm.

Jasome' entreated him, by all his former kindness, to do so for her now. "Yes," said the gnome, "but a bargain is a bargain. Now is the time for me to get back my bags of gold. Do you go to your father, and let him know that the king's son is willing to marry you if he restores to me my treasure that he took from me; for that is what it comes to."

They came again at the appointed time to visit their retreat in the forest; but great was their surprise to find Cassim's body taken away, with some of their bags of gold. "We are certainly discovered," said the captain, "and if we do not speedily apply some remedy, shall gradually lose all the riches which we have, with so much pains and danger, been so many years amassing together.

He must do his task. "I'll take your clothes on one condition, Mr. Perkins," he said, "you must let me pay for them." "Will it make you feel better to do so?" "A great deal better." "All right, then." Harry took from his saddle bags the purse which he had removed from his coat pocket when he undressed, and handed a ten dollar gold piece to the charcoal burner.

"Have a pull at my flask," suggests Bobby, seriously; "there is some cognac left in it since the day we fished the pool. It would do you all the good in the world, and, if you took enough, you would feel able to give him ten bags, or, indeed, throw them at his head at a pinch." "Have you got it?" say I, faintly, to the general, who at this moment joins us. "Yes, here it is."