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He had risked his entire fortune on the expedition from Quebec; but what account did this back-stairs trick of courtiers take of his ruin? Radisson told him that he had been commissioned to offer him £100 a year for service under the English, and £50 each to his underling traders. Jean listened in sullen silence.

He was too wise an old hand to flatter himself that it would preserve its bland and silent unawareness of this night. So far, he believed, he had been unobserved. In Yussuf's silence he had absolute confidence.... But of course there were a hundred other chances some spying, back-stairs eye, some curious, straining ear....

He had ingeniously gone up by the back-stairs, and, wishing to be like Lamartine, he began a harangue to the populace: "Citizens! But his cap, his nose, his frock-coat, his entire personality lacked distinction. The man in the knitted waistcoat asked him: "Are you a workman?" "No." "A master, then?" "Nor that either." "Well, take yourself off, then." "Why?" returned Pécuchet, haughtily.

The kitchens and offices were too large, and too remote from each other. Above stairs and below, waste tracts of passage intervened between patches of fertility represented by rooms; and there was a mouldy old well with a green growth upon it, hiding like a murderous trap, near the bottom of the back-stairs, under the double row of bells.

I asked of the servant who had delivered it to me. "Un petit commissionaire, monsieur." "Did he say anything?" "Rien." And I wended my way up the back-stairs, wondrously the wiser for my inquiries. "No matter," said I to myself, as I again closed the door. "No matter I'll seek her through Brussels." And I did.

James, I see crowds of cassocks pushing up the back-stairs of the ladies of the court; stealthy clergy slipping purses into their laps; that godless old king yawning under his canopy in his Chapel Royal, as the chaplain before him is discoursing. Discoursing about what? About righteousness and judgment?

"Well now, while the ladies are in their rooms, I will venture down and get you something to eat." And issuing from my asylum with precaution, I sought a back-stairs which conducted directly to the kitchen.

"I will so," her son replied, and kissed cook as she let him out of the back-door, which she fastened after him. Then she went off herself up the back-stairs to bed. When all was quiet again, Beth thought of the garden-door at the end of the passage. To her relief she found it ajar; the gleam of light she had seen in that direction was the moonlight streaming through the crevice.

Then the clerk was summoned, and solved the first difficulty by revealing a back-stairs exit by way of the basement. An attendant was sent to Curtis's room, to pack a grip with some clothes and linen, and, by adroit maneuvering, the whole party got away from the hotel. Steingall insisted on interviewing Lady Hermione that night.

Betty hurried toward the back-stairs. She was leaning over the banisters and had called once for one of the maids, when she ceased abruptly, and stood still for several moments with her head tilted back and her body tense with surprise.