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This is a tragical little romance which draws the reader along with it by every line in every page, yet its power is derived from the resources of caricature: it is rather the hollow side of a comic mask than a true expression of pathos. Scientific and stupid, Professor Babolain enters the world of Paris armed with his innocence, his uncle's legacy, his deep learning and his utter ignorance.

The translator of Babolain reveals his quality by calling pantaloons, in several places, pants, and by adopting an ugly locative common enough in New York "Perhaps I did not have that amount," for "perhaps I had not," etc.

Beside the works mentioned in the above text, Gustave Droz wrote: 'Le Cahier bleu de Mademoiselle Cibot , 'Auteur d'une Source , 'Un Paquet de Lettres' , 'Babolain' , 'Les Etangs' , 'Tristesses et Sourires , and L'Enfant . He died in Paris, October 22, 1895. CAMILLE DOUCET de l'Academie Francaise. The devil take me if I can remember her name, notwithstanding I dearly loved her, the charming girl!

Nothing can be more comical than the grand airs of the ladies, whether in their poor or rich estate, or than the perpetual suite of victimizations endured by the helpless Babolain: the muses of Comedy and Tragedy rush together over the stage to crush this fly with their buskins.

The Bernard Palissy of literature, he modeled his frogs and water-snakes so true that they seemed better than birds of paradise. Babolain. From the French of Gustave Droz. New York: Henry Holt & Co.

This Timoleon, who loves her unsuccessfully, is the beneficiary of poor Babolain, borrowing his money at the same time that he tries to borrow his wife, and returning with outrageous reproaches to the hero impoverished and desolate. This precious friend is a specimen of all the rest.