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Realizing all this in an instant, I snatched up my belongings, and hurried to get out before he should get in. When I emerged, the chat set up his loudest and most triumphant shouts. "Again we have fooled you," he seemed to say; "again we have thrown your poor human acuteness off the scent! We shall manage to bring up our babies in safety, in spite of you!"

There they lay, side by side, in the same blue-painted cradle that had rocked the Ekman babies for over two hundred years; and one looked so exactly like the other that even dear Grandmother Ekman could not tell them apart.

My sister has a baby, about which she raves in somewhat similar terms, but of course that is ridiculous, for her baby differs in no particular from ordinary babies, except, perhaps, in the matter of violent weeping, of which it is fond; whereas my doggie is unique, a perfectly beautiful and singular specimen of of well, I won't say what, because my friends usually laugh at me when I say it, and I don't like to be laughed at.

So many girls have told me that when they were between six and fourteen years of age they had heard some things about the land where the babies grow and immediately went to their mothers and inquired as to the truth of what they had heard. The invariable answer received was, "Little girls must not talk about such things."

Common sense will have done away with the unnecessary illness which now robs millions of mothers. No woman will have more than two children. Education will be understood. Women will not be slaves to their babies. They will be admired and thanked and made happy before the babies arrive instead of being half ashamed, as at present. The rearing of children will be simple.

Snoop and Fluffy had become good friends, and now lay close together on the kitchen hearth. Dinah said they were just like two babies, only not so much trouble. "Put peaches in my basket, Dinah," Freddie ordered. "And strawberries in mine," added Flossie. "Now, you-uns jest wait!"

Of course, I lingered longest in the babies' room, and longest of all near the crib of the little Cecilio. He was a pretty baby, and seemed to me the most ill-used of all, because the youngest. "Could they not bear with you three weeks, little fellow?" I said. "I know those at whose firesides such as you would have been welcome guests.

On the other hand, length of life furnishes evidence that physical vigor varies according to the degree to which the mothers at least, at the time of a child's conception, have been under the influence of environmental conditions which assist the germ cells in developing into vigorous babies. Many studies of eminent people show that they are uncommonly long-lived.

Presently the drawl of Mr. Ellis was heard, pleading with a fair and anonymous Central, whom he addressed with that charming impersonality employed toward babies, pet dogs, and telephone girls, as "Tootsie," to abjure juvenility, and give him 322 Vincent, in a hurry. "You'll excuse me, Mr.

She adores her splendid babies, but she is still a woman and a wife, though you seem to ignore that she is anything but a mother. Right about face, Mr. Gordon, and become the lover you were, and jealousy will be driven from your threshold. It is your own lack of thoughtfulness, your own tactless and tasteless methods with your wife, which have caused the change in her manner.