United States or Heard Island and McDonald Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The report of Ira Ayer, special agent of the Treasury Department, shows that at the date of September 30, 1892, there were 32 companies manufacturing tin and terne plate in the United States and 14 companies building new works for such manufacture.

Daniel C. French, the Concord sculptor; Mrs. J.C. Ayer, Mr. L. White Busbey, one of the editors of the Chicago Inter-Ocean; Rev. Dr. Henry M. Field, Charles Gifford Dyer, the painter and father of the gifted young violinist, Miss Hella Dyer; the late Rev. Mr. Moffett, then United States Consul at Athens, Mrs.

DON PEDRO. También me lo creí yo ... y sólo cuando ella me hizo escribirle ayer aquella carta que le llevaste, fué cuando acabé de desengañarme. BRUNO. Valiente trabucazo fué la tal carta.

MARQUESA. Así, así ... tengo coche ... dos mil reales al mes de alfileres ... y en cuanto a mi marido ... es como todos los maridos, ni feo, ni bonito, ni ... tu suerte, Matilde, es la que no me parece muy envidiable. DOÑA MATILDE. Al contrario ... ayer me casé con el hombre que adoraba. MARQUESA. ¡Calla! ¿Serías acaso la novia que estuvo a pique de acostarse anoche a oscuras?

For some, the next night would bring the quiet "bivouac of the dead." The strength of the Fifth Corps was as follows: First Division, General Griffin, 6,180 Second Division, General Ayer, 3,980 Third Division, General Crawford, 5,250 Total, 15,410 The artillery consisted of twenty guns, and there was an escort of forty cavalry.

My young friend Edward Ayer has a noble collection of books relating to the history of American aboriginals and to the wars waged between those Indians and the settlers in this country; my other young friend Luther Mills has gathered together a multitude of books treating of the Napoleonic wars; yet neither Ayer nor Mills hath ever slain a man or fought a battle, albeit both find delectation in recitals of warlike prowess and personal valor.

Marched in a south direction and crossed Ayer Tubbu, passing a number of durian trees on its bank. Again crossed the stream several times. Arrived early at Tabe-si-kuddi, a small talang, where the enemy had built three batteries or entrenchments and left behind them a quantity of grain, but vegetating and unfit for use.

Not any is exported from Natal of its actual produce; a little from Ayer Bungi; more from the extensive but neglected districts of Pasaman and Masang, and many cargoes from the country adjacent to Padang.

The next day, having spent our last cent in railway tickets, we rode to Ayer Junction, where we left our trunks in care of the baggage man and resumed our tramping. Coasting Down Mt. Washington In spite of all our anxiety, we enjoyed this search for work. The farmers were all so comically inquisitive. A few of them took us for what we were, students out on a vacation.

You may need a little heart stimulant, but I think that nothing hastens the pulse beat like a few rifle balls and bomb shells from Hindenburg." He sent every one of the twenty boys into the service, but separated them, one going to Camp Ayer, in Massachusetts; one to Camp Bliss, in El Paso, Texas, and the rest to camps in States between.