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That it was literary, he had none whatever; on the contrary, it seemed to him that from this point of view it compared favorably with the best of Ayala's plays, but actable, really actable, ah! that was another matter!" "What is the difference, Don Jerónimo? I don't understand." "Then I will explain, my boy. We, who are behind the scenes, mean by actable a good play, and by literary a bad one."

These great affairs kept him much at Gravesend, where the ship lay, but, as he had no dread of further trouble now that d'Aguilar and the other Spaniards, among them that band of de Ayala's servants who had vowed to take Peter's life, were gone, this did not disturb him.

"Ayala, the captain of the 'San Carlos, the first ship to enter the bay, named it from the large number of the birds he found on it, and the big island to the right that looks like a portion of the main land is Angel Island, abbreviated from Ayala's Isla de Nuestra Señora de los Angeles." "And Goat Island?" he questioned as he threw himself down on the grass. "Yerba Buena," I corrected.

Or was it Juan Bautista de Ayala's ship, San Carlos, in August, 1775, in the name of Charles III. of Spain? It seems to the writer that a man of Drake's discernment and perception and experience would not be likely to pass by the Golden Gate without seeing it and entering it.

"What meant the man?" asked Peter, when the sound of the horses' hoofs had died away. Castell told him of what had passed between him and d'Aguilar before supper, and showed him de Ayala's receipt, adding in a vexed voice: "I have forgotten to repay him the gold; it shall be sent to-morrow." "Have no fear; he will come for it," answered Peter coldly.

These told him that d'Aguilar had sailed for Spain indeed, Castell said that he had seen him standing on the poop of the Ambassador de Ayala's vessel as it dropped down the Thames towards the sea. Moreover, Margaret had a note of farewell from his hand, which ran: "Adieu, sweet lady, till that predestined hour when we meet again. I go, as I must, but, as I told you, your image goes with me.

"I showed him de Ayala's receipt, and he answered that if his Excellency was satisfied, he was satisfied, and for his part would not order any process to issue; but he bade me tell you and Peter Brome that if he caused more tumult in his streets, whatever the provocation, and especially if that tumult were between English and Spaniards, he would hang him at once with trial or without it.