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There is a great number of varieties, including white, pink, scarlet, and double-flowering. It is quite hardy at Kew. R. RACEMOSUM. Central China, 1880. A neat little species, of dwarf, compact growth, from the Yunnan district of China. The flowers are pale pink edged with a deeper tint, about an inch across, and borne in terminal and axillary clusters.

A shrub of 4 feet in height, with deep green serrated leaves, that are 2 inches long and pubescent on the under sides. Flowers white, in axillary panicles, and produced in great abundance. This is one of the hardiest species, but succeeds best when afforded wall protection. C. AZUREUS. Mexico, 1818.

The flowers grow high upon the trees and towards the ends of the branches. The leaf-scars are round with many dots. The scar of the stipules is a continuous line around the stem, as in Magnolia. The leaf-buds are terminal, or in the axils of the upper leaves of the preceding year; the flower buds are axillary.

They also produce buds in the axils of these scales, showing the scales to be leaves; whereas real roots bear neither leaves nor axillary buds." Rootstocks are often stored with nourishment. We have already taken up this subject in the potato, but it is well to repeat the distinction between stems and roots. A thick, short rootstock provided with buds, like the potato, is called a tuber.

The first one or two are imperfect, being small, brown, and dry. The leaves grow larger towards the centre of the bud. In the specimens I have examined I do not see much difference in size between the buds with flowers and those without. In every bud examined which contained a flower, there was an axillary bud in the axil of the last, or next to the last, leaf.

The buds are small, flat, and rounded at the apex. They are sheathed by scales, each leaf being covered by a pair, whose edges cohere. The outer pair are brown and are the stipules of the last leaf of the preceding year. Their shape is very clearly to be seen, and no bud is more interesting in the closeness of its packing. Axillary buds are often found within.

Phyllotaxy is not yet to be taken up, but the pupils should be shown the different angles of the branching of the twigs, and told to compare them with Beech and Elm. In which buds are the flower-clusters? Are there flowers and leaves in the same buds? What are the scales of the bud? How are the leaves folded in the bud? How do the axillary and terminal buds differ?

At this camp I obtained seeds of a dwarf spreading tree, with alternate, exstipulate, pinnate leaves, and axillary racemes of a round flattened fruit, similar in size and shape to the small blue fig cultivated in gardens, of a dark purple colour, and possessing a flavour similar to an Orleans plum when hardly ripe, with a hard rough stone inside. June 27.

When the primary sexual organs are undeveloped the sexual hair is also undeveloped, as in a case, recorded by Plant, of a girl with rudimentary uterus and ovaries who had little or no axillary and pubic hair, although the hair of the head was long and strong.

When the lymphatic return from a limb has been seriously interfered with, as, for example, when the axillary contents has been completely cleared out in operating for cancer of the breast, a condition of lymphatic œdema may result, the arm becoming swollen, tight, and heavy. Various degrees of the conditions are met with; in the severe forms, there is pain, as well as incapacity of the limb.