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"I trust they may be," said Ada. "It would be very dreadful to have to fight." "I'm afraid there's little honesty either on board the craft or the boat; for I trust little to the Austrian bunting flying at her peak," answered Bowse. "You must not be frightened, young lady, when you see the men armed.

Johannes Muller seemed not to have heard him, and continued: "Joseph the Second died; scarcely a decade has passed, and what has this decade made of Austria? The mind has been chained again; the censor with his scissors has taken his stand again by the side of the Austrian boundary-post; and the wall severing Austria from Germany has been recreated.

My heart 's in the earth, and I must have distractions. My present distraction is De Pyrmont, a good Catholic and a good Austrian soldier, though a Frenchman. I grieve to say it's horrible that it sometimes tickles me when I reflect that De Pyrmont is keen with the sword.

Of course we don't expect the freedom of your lines, but we would like to know a little about the Austrian troops whether they can fight, how they stand up under fire what kind of men they are. The people of America want to know, and that's what we are here for." The general hesitated. "I've had some trouble with spies here lately," he said at length, "and I have become wary."

He, like yourself, has escaped both Austrian and French bullets. "Well, Karl," he went on as the soldier came up, "you don't seem to have managed to keep your master out of mischief." "No, count; but it was not my fault. It was the fault of those horses you gave him." "Why, how was that, Karl?"

During this period Russia was the protector of Bulgaria, but the Bulgarian fox was looking also for the aid of Austria. Serbia more and more relied upon Russia. The Austrian treatment of the Slavs was a source of constant irritation to Serbia. Roumania had a divided feeling.

The Austrian Minister congratulated himself on the peace, which, he said, made the future sure, and cut short all danger of trouble and anarchy. The Prince of Ligne expressed similar views. Then M. de Narbonne spoke out somewhat as follows: "Gentlemen, I am surprised by your recent astonishment and your present confidence.

In the first place, the Austrian minister, Prince von Reuss. This gentleman contents himself with one mistress, and as he fortunately does not suspect that the beautiful Marianne Meier is at the same time my mistress, he is a great friend of mine. Yes, if he knew that ah!" he interrupted himself, laughing, "that would be another illustration of La Fontaine's fable of the two cocks and the hen.

In less than six weeks from that day the Elector of Bavaria had laid formal claim to her throne, Frederick of Prussia had marched his troops into Silesia, one of her finest provinces, calling it his own, and the war of the Austrian Succession was on for seven long years; for the high, heroic heart would not yield one inch, and the sovereign ruler of Austria had met with fine Hapsburg scorn the insulting proposition of the King of Prussia that he would gladly support her right to the throne of her ancestors, provided she would resign to his obliging majesty the whole of Silesia.

This informant charged that the German and Austrian Governments had spent between $30,000,000 and $40,000,000 in developing an elaborate spy system in the United States with the aim of destroying munition plants, obtaining plans of American fortifications, Government secrets, and passports for Germans desiring to return to Germany.