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It commands a most satisfactory view of the whole country embraced within a radius of 40 to 60 miles, including, as the landscape shows, Parks Hill to the south; Katahdin, the Traveller, and Mars Hill to the southwest; Quaquajo, the Horseback, the Haystack, and one or two peaks beyond the Aroostook to the west; the heights upon the Fish River and the southern margin of the Eagle Lakes to the northwest, and those south of the St.

It was the first evidence that we were approaching the perilous borders, the marches where the North and the South mingle their angry hosts, where the extremes of our so-called civilization meet in conflict, and the fierce slave-driver of the Lower Mississippi stares into the stern eyes of the forest-feller from the banks of the Aroostook.

Novel. 1874. A Counterfeit Presentment. Comedy. 1877. The Lady of the Aroostook. Novel. 1879. The Undiscovered Country. Novel. 1880. A Fearful Responsibility, and Other Stories. 1881. A Modern Instance. Novel. 1881. The Rise of Silas Lapham. Novel. 1884. Tuscan Cities. Travel and description. 1885. April Hopes. Novel. 1887. A Hazard of New Fortunes. Novel. 1889.

Aboard of her were ten or twelve other pilots, fellows with shaggy brows, and muffled in shaggy coats, who sat grouped together on deck like a fire-side of bears, wintering in Aroostook.

"Well, I declare for't, so it is," said her grandfather, getting stiffly to his feet and retiring a few paces to gain a view of the building at the base of which they had been sitting. "Why, I might known it by this buildin'! But where's the Aroostook, if this is Lucas Wharf?" He looked wistfully in the direction the young men had taken, but they were already too far to call after.

In the midst of the dispute over the case of the Caroline serious trouble arose between the authorities of Maine and New Brunswick over the undetermined boundary between the St. Croix River and the Highlands, and there ensued the so-called "Aroostook War." During the summer of 1838 British and American lumbermen began operating along the Aroostook River in large numbers.

Following this line, we discussed many details. He "would not sell," but he would "exchange;" and, studying the map, we put our fingers upon the Aroostook wedge, in the State of Maine upon a piece of territory at the head of Lake Superior, and upon islands between British Columbia and Vancouver's Island which might be the equivalent of rectification of boundary on many portions to the Westward along the 49th parallel of latitude.

The highlands as claimed by the United States, extending from the northwesternmost head of the Connecticut River to the portage road which leads from the St. Lawrence River to Lake Temiscouata. The highlands as claimed by Great Britain from the Metjarmette portage to the source of the Aroostook River.

Sometimes, in his frequently recurring talks with Dunham, he questioned whether their delicate precautions for saving her feelings were not perhaps thrown away upon a young person who played shuffle- board and ring-toss on the deck of the Aroostook with as much self- possession as she would have played croquet on her native turf at South Bradfield.

On the American line from Lake Etchemm to the river Ouelle Feet The maximum height is 2,854 The minimum height is 1,306 On the line of Messrs Featherstonhaugh and Mudge from the Cocumgamoc Mountains to the head waters of the Aroostook The maximum height is 1,268 The minimum height is 880