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Well, he comes up to the edge of the glen, and he looks into it and round it, and up and down at the tower, and he wanders about the heaps of fallen masonry that there is there, and finally he puts thumbs in his armhole and went slowly back to his trap. 'But you'll be coming back, my old swindler! says I to myself. 'You'll be back again I doubt not at all! And back he did come that very night.

When sewing it into the sweater, place the longest part at the shoulder seam and stretch the armhole while sewing it in. Wristlets These are made of round or flat web. Each wristlet requires one and one-half yards. Measure five inches, the length of the wristlet, and turn. Start sewing from this point and sew to the end of the five inches and turn again.

And presently, laying down his book Polly was too busy now to be read to Mahony looked across at his wife. She was wrinkling her pretty brows over the manufacture of tiny clothes, a rather pale little woman still, none of the initial discomforts of her condition having been spared her. Feeling his eyes on her, she looked up and smiled: did ever anyone see such a ridiculous armhole?

He had no perception of the rivalries, the petty hatreds that met and passed one another above all those bejewelled foreheads. He did not notice Delobelle, standing with his elbow on the mantel, one hand in the armhole of his waistcoat and his hat upon his hip, weary of his eternal attitudinizing, while the hours slipped by and no one thought of utilizing his talents.

By Ethel's side, mounted on a huge khaki-colored horse, sat the man he had met, only the week before, in the driveway of the Dents' home. Scarlet with his exertions, grimly aware that his sleeve was pulled from its armhole and his left puttie was strained out of its usual compact folds, nevertheless Weldon saluted her smilingly and, his mount well in hand, galloped off in search of his squadron.

The sentry, who had spun round on his heel again, seemed about to speak: his voice expired before it came out of his mouth: he saluted, spun round again and followed the rest out of the room. When the place was cleared I pulled my left brace out of the armhole of my waistcoat and displayed the silver star. The fat man sprang up.

No, the only thing I'm really sorry about is that 'twas Brick Avery's money he got away with." Avery sighed. "But I want to say to you, Signory Rosy-elly," continued Buck, with a burst of pride quite excusable, tipping his hat to one side and hooking his thumb into the armhole of his vest, "it wasn't my money you got, and it never will be my money you'll get.

A boyish voice said with playful bullying sharpness, above the growling, irregular pulsation of the engine "Here, grandad, you've got to put this on." "Have I?" demanded uncertainly the thick, heavy voice of the old man. "Yes, you have on the top of your other coat. If I don't look after you I shall get myself into a row!... Here, let me put your fist in the armhole.

A little fat man in a ruffled and embroidered shirt, buff waistcoat with crystal buttons, knee breeches and silk stockings of reproachless black, and steel buckled shoes, had come before the curtain, sticking one thumb in his waistband and the other in his vest armhole, to display a huge seal ring and a mammoth diamond hoop, respectively, as well as his idea of ease in company.