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Lilias was not often with them at first, for the "harvest-play" of the village children did not come so soon as the town-boys' holidays, and she could seldom be prevailed upon to leave her aunt alone in the school. But Archie's company soon became indispensable to the lads in their daily rambles among the hills.

But months must pass before then, and the heart of Lilias sickened at the thought of all her aunt must suffer. Even Archie's absence came to seem but a small matter in comparison with this greater trial. By every means in her power she strove to soothe her sufferings; but, alas! it was little she could do, and slowly the winter passed away.

Captain Holt knows everything, remember," Jane replied in her same calm voice. "But nobody else does but you and Martha!" The thought gave her renewed hope the only ray she saw. "True; but the captain is enough. His heart is set on Archie's name being cleared, and nothing that I can do or say will turn him from his purpose. Do you know what he means to do?"

Loudly rang out Archie's pipes, merrily tripped the dancers, and joy reigned supreme, when suddenly there came an unexpected check. The outer door flew open, and a girlie of about ten, wild-eyed, bare-headed, panting for breath, rushed into the midst of the gathering. She was evidently laboring under the stress of some unwonted excitement.

Van Bunting, congratulating him on what he had accomplished, and telling him that he had long since more than earned his six hundred dollars. But for weeks he was ignorant that any one in New York knew of his being wounded. The days now began to pass as before in the camp at Manila. The wound in Archie's arm was healing slowly, but he was hardly able to use that member for a month or six weeks.

For to go to France and Germany and Italy, had seemed to Sophy the very essence of every joy in life. Before her marriage, she had sat by Archie's side hour after hour, listening to his descriptions of foreign lands, and dreaming of all the delights that were to meet her in them.

This particular moon, which he cried for, was a very expensive article, and Hope did not see how he could gain it. Unless and here came in the cause of Archie's worry unless the five thousand pounds was borrowed from Sir Frank Random, the Professor would have to content himself with the Maltese mummy.

"Yes, father," she said, going quickly into the sick-room, followed by Grey, who saw in Archie's face the look which comes once, and but once, to all, and knew that his life was numbered by hours, if not, indeed, by minutes. "Bessie," the sick man said, as she bent over him "has he come? I heard some one speaking to you." "Neil has not come; it is not time. It is Mr. Jerrold who is here.

"I've been back an hour myself, and they said you'd gone out before," her husband retorted suspiciously. "Perhaps it was earlier," Adelle replied indifferently. She cared less than she had once for Archie's outbursts of temper, and at present her mind was occupied with other matters than calming him. Archie looked at her with a peculiar stare in which ugliness and something more evil were mixed.

Sir Ingram's spear was pointed at the bars of Archie's helmet, but as the horses met each other Archie with a blow of his sword cut off the head of the lance and dealt a tremendous backhanded blow upon Sir Ingram's helmet as the latter passed him, striking the knight forward on to his horse's neck; then without pausing a moment he dashed into the midst of the English ranks.