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The antiseptics hurt, and the stitching was unpleasant, but Joe was more worried by the knowledge that Sally was standing there and suffering for him. When he got up from the emergency operating table, the doctor nodded grimly to him. "That was close!" said the doctor. "Whoever chewed you was working for your jugular vein, and he was halfway through the wall when he stopped.

Small wonder that in the minds of all of them, the Hawk and the old scientist, and Ban and the Negro, that period, when remembered later, seemed no more than a confused, unreal, hazy dream; rather, a nightmare connected imperishably with the odors of an operating room, antiseptics, etheloid, and the glint of small, sharp instruments.

Mercury the quicksilver of commerce so recently come to tremendous value through its universal use in the new antiseptics which bid fair to check all human disease was being produced in Nareda. The import duty into the United States was being paid openly enough. But nevertheless Hanley's agents believed that smuggling was taking place.

Long lost balms they were, ancient spices, forgotten antiseptics of a great race that blossomed and Fell thousands of years before its time. "I smell the dead centuries," whispered Marvin to himself, "I can almost feel their weight. The world was young when this woman breathed. Perhaps she was pretty and foolish like my Polly yes, and maybe as stubborn, too.

The housewife puts up canned fruit with the utmost confidence because she believes in this great Law of Biogenesis. It is because we all believe in it that we use antiseptics and fumigators and fly screens. But what are the lessons to be learned from this great fact, and what bearing has this fact on the old Bible doctrine of a literal Creation? Life comes now only from preëxisting life.

He was celebrated for having revived the old Hebraic method of embalmment in spices, and improving it by the aid of the modern discoveries in antiseptics of Laskowski, Signer Franchina of Naples, and Dr. Dupré of Paris.

"There isn't yet," Frank told him, "a single pressure symptom that I consider alarming and Doctor Cole has done wonders with his leg. But any emotional excitement is a danger. Three minutes, old man." He followed Kenny up the stairway, watch in hand. The raftered room was dim and quiet. Kenny sickened at the faint odor of antiseptics and softly closed the door. Brian opened his eyes.

All feverish diseases are more or less interfered with or suppressed by antiseptics, antipyretics, serums and antitoxins.

Great curtains kept constantly wet with antiseptics shut away the sick room and adjoining apartments from the rest of the house. It was arranged that Michael should place such supplies as were needed at the head of the stairs, just outside the guarding curtains, and the nurses should pass all dishes through an antiseptic bath before sending them downstairs again.

If the wound happens to have been made with a knife or tool that you are not absolutely sure was perfectly clean, or if the wound gets manure or road-dirt or other filth rubbed into it, then it is best to go at once to a doctor and let him give it a thorough antiseptic dressing, which consists of cleaning it out thoroughly with strong remedies, called antiseptics, which kill the germs, but do not injure living tissues, and then putting on a germ-proof dressing as before.