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I gave notice to the father, to Capitani, and to Javotte, that each would, in turn and in the order of their age, take supper with me, and that Javotte would sleep every night in my ante-room, where was to be placed a bath in which I would bathe my guest one half hour before sitting down to supper, and the guest was not to have broken his fast throughout the day.

Campbell; but, apparently, new scruples and terrors had struck him before they left the house, for I heard Campbell reiterating assurances of safety and protection as they left the ante-room "By the soul of my body, man, thou'rt as safe as in thy father's kailyard Zounds! that a chield wi' sic a black beard should hae nae mair heart than a hen-partridge!

I proposed to await her quietly in the ante-room, to make a scene there, and reproach her with infidelity, if necessary; but matters were, as it happened, arranged much more conveniently for me; and walking, unannounced, into the outer room of his Lordship's apartments, I had the felicity of hearing in the next chamber, of which the door was partially open, the voice of my Calista.

"Ah! very good, very good, Monsieur l'Abbe Froment. His Eminence will condescend to receive you, but you must wait, you must wait." Then, with his silent rolling walk, he returned to the second ante-room, where he usually stationed himself.

"I would remind you, Rotherby, that time is pressing," said he. "I shall not keep you long," was Rotherby's cold reply, and Mr. Caryll went out. "What now, Charles?" asked his mother. "Is this child to remain?" "It is the child that is to remain," said his lordship. "Will your ladyship do me the honor, too, of waiting in the ante-room?" and he held the door for her.

A sound of voices came from the second ante-room, and forthwith he rose to his feet, and bent very low at sight of a stout man in a black cassock, red sash, and black hat, with twisted cord of red and gold, whom Abbe Paparelli was ushering in with a great display of deferential genuflections.

With her who bore him, her who bore him, mind you, kept waiting down stairs in the hospital ante-room half an hour every day on the raw edge of a rattan chair waiting worrying all old and gray and scared while little young, perky, pink and white me is upstairs brushing her own son's hair and washing her own son's face and altogether getting her own son ready to see his own mother!

He offered his arm, and she took it thankfully without a word. They went away together. The ante-room was dimly lighted, and comparatively quiet, though the music and laughter and swish of dancing feet were fully audible there. Noel found her a comfortable chair, and seated himself upon the arm thereof.

Moreover he knew that the German had entered the ante-room through no mistake, but with some object in view. As for the girl, who was she and where had she come from?

Tracking it for some time, Nicholas Clamp at length turned off on the right, and, crossing a sort of ante-room, led the way into a large chamber with stone walls and a coved and groined roof, lighted by a great window at the lower end.