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Several attendants rushed into the room, and Ani ordered them to bring to him the captive dwarf of the Lady Katuti. His soul rose in indignation against the king, who in his remote camp-tent could fancy he had made him happy by a proof of his highest favor.

The king had left the camp, and had settled in the neighboring city of Rameses' Tanis, with the greater part of his army. The Hebrews, who were settled in immense numbers in the province of Goshen, and whom Ani had attached to his cause by remitting their task-work, were now driven to labor at the palaces and fortifications which Rameses had begun to build.

Let him see, hear, stand, and sit as ye do in the home of Osiris. O ye who give cakes and ale to perfected souls, give ye at morn and at eve cakes and ale to the soul of Ani the Scribe. May he not be turned back, may he enter and come forth; for he has been weighed in the scale and is "not lacking." The chapter about coming forth by day and living after death.

When the messengers came from the princess she superintended the packing of the various objects which Nefert wished to have, with calm deliberation, and then sent her dwarf to Ani, to beg that he would visit her. But before Nemu had left Mena's grounds he saw the out-runners of the Regent, his chariot, and the troop of guards following him.

The panegyric prepared by us for to-morrow must offer some great novelty. The Regent Ani grants us a rich contribution, and " "And," interrupted Septah, "our thaumaturgists understand things very differently from those of the house of Anion, who feast while we practise." Ameni nodded assent, and said with a smile: "Also we are more indispensable than they to the people.

Here Ameni himself had announced to the multitude the miracle of the sacred heart, and had proclaimed that a new Apis had been found among the herds of the Regent Ani.

"Ancient times may have produced such men," she said. "But if in these days thou thinkest to find one, thou wilt wear the lock of youth, till thou art grey. Our thinkers are no heroes, and our heroes are no sages. Here come thy brother and Nefert." "Will you persuade Ani to give up his suit!" said the princess urgently. "I will endeavor to do so, for thy sake," replied Katuti.

"You have more to win, and at the same time more to lose than we; but the meanest clings to life; and I must tell you, Ani, that I work for you, not to win any thing through your success, but because you are as dear to me as a brother, and because I see in you the embodiment of my father's claims which have been trampled on."

Ani, do you hear, need not write me a new license, but only renew the old one granted to me by Rameses when I cured his favorite horse. They burnt it with my other possessions, when they plundered my house, and denounced me and my belongings for sorcery. The permit of Rameses is what I want, nothing more." "You shall have it," said the dwarf.

"Feed them well," exclaimed the Regent; he threw a purse into Hekt's lap, and added, as he prepared to leave her: "If anything happens to either of the birds let me know at once by Nemu." Ani went down the hill, and walked towards the neighboring tomb of his father; but Hekt laughed as she looked after him, and muttered to herself: "Now the fool will take care of me for the sake of his bird!